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Hoseok's pov:

"i'm calling the police."

"what?" Namjoon gasped.

"you can't!" I pleaded, running over and attempting to take the phone out of Seokjin's hand.

However he was too quick, snatching the device out of my reach and sending me a sharp glare.

"and why the hell not?" he snapped.

"because, he's got Haru! what's going to happen to him if his dad is sent to jail?"

"he's only one Jin, who's going to look after him? he's not going into care that's for sure" Namjoon added, walking over and coaxing the phone out of his boyfriend's hand.

"b-but what if Haru is in danger? what if he's treating him the same way he treated Tae?" Seokjin's voice was wavering, I could clearly see he was letting his emotions slowly get the better of him.

"and what if he's fine? Taehyung said his father still looked after Haru on the occasion's he was home." I try, bringing my hand up to squeeze his tense shoulder.

"what would Taehyung think if he wakes up and finds out you called the police on his dad, babe? We've only just got him back" Namjoon sighs, finally and successfully managing to take the phone out of his partners wavering grip and pull him into a hug.

"b-but what if you're wrong. What if Haru is in danger. I'd never forgive myself and neither would Taehyung. It'll destroy him."

The room falls silent as we all think hard. Pained expressions painting our features and my head starts to hurt with the stress. Jin could be right. What if Haru is in danger?

"let's give Jungkook a call, see what his view is on this" Namjoon suggests.


"call the police?" Jungkook's voice rang through the speaker.

Seokjin had been adamant on explaining his feelings to our Hyung, especially hinting on his thoughts about phoning the police.

"Yes Jungkook, we don't know if Haru is in danger in that man's care.. And besides, i'm not letting him get away with how he's treated Taehyung." Seokjin defends, rubbing his temples with his middle finger and thumb.

It's silent on the other line until Jungkook's sigh echos through.

"i've thought about it you know.. My hyung thinks it's a good idea as well-"

"-that's perfect then i'll call-"

"-Jin my love, let the man finish" Namjoon interjects, taking his partner's hand in his and rubbing it soothingly.

Seokjin sighs, head lolling onto Namjoon's shoulder before quickly apologising to Jungkook.

"Yoongi Hyung is just as fond of Tae as you all are.. But i'm afraid of the outcome this will cause. Taehyung will be horrified. Our trust will be broken.."

It's such a difficult situation. Taehyung loves his dad no matter how badly he was treated by him.

"and what if Haru is in danger? Taehyung won't know what to do with himself if he finds out, let alone forgive himself" I add, worry coursing through me for the sleeping boy in the room behind us.

It's quiet once again, all of our hearts beating loudly.

"go on then, give the police a call."

And so, on 'December 2nd at 10:58pm' Seokjin called the police.


Seokjin's pov:

"Hm Daddy!" I'm awoken by cries coming from the nursery. My eyes adjust to the darkness of the room to find it's just hit four in the morning.

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