Twenty Eight

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Jungkook's pov:

Taehyung had caught the flu.

It started on New year's day with a lot of sniffling but he kept brushing it off as just a runny nose.

The day after was filled with headaches and shivers with him going hot and cold quite quickly.

I kept trying to check on Taehyung and make sure he was okay but he was convinced on telling me he felt fine. Just a regular cold he'll get over which didn't ease my worry at all.

During the night however, he seemed to have taken a turn for the worse.

I woke up to heat.

Taehyung's back was pressed against my chest as I spooned him. Arms protectively around his waist as I rested my forehead against the back of his hair.

But the heat was insufferable.

In my half asleep like state and in the pitch black room, I quickly realised that the heat was coming from Taehyung.

The back of his top was drenched in sweat as well as his forehead. Clumps of hair sticking to his skin from the moisture.

Taehyung, having gone to bed little, was currently quietly whining in his sleep. Starting to fidget whilst sucking his pacifier for comfort.

I reached my hand over him to feel his forehead and grew increasingly concerned when I felt he was boiling.

"Tae, baby wake up." I whispered, shaking the sleeping little.

The clock on the bedside table red 2:13am but I didn't care. I turned on the side lamp and dimmed it right down. Immediately taking in Taehyung's condition.

His face was flushed and skin glistened from the heat his body was producing. The material of his top was also clinging to his chest from sweat and his diaper was heavy.

"baby, wake up for daddy."

I needed to cool him down.

Taehyung began to stir under my shaking and immediately started crying. He made a desperate attempt at grabby hands and I was quick to pull him up into my arms.

"oh baby." I whispered, holding him and gently swaying side to side.

He was so hot in my hold it was making me very worried for what type of fever he had.

"are you feeling poorly bun?" I ask, letting Taehyung hold me tight.

"h-hwurts dada" he cries behind his pacifier. Balling his fists and letting his forehead rest on my shoulder.

I try and soothe the little's cries with gentle swaying and calm singing. Humming his favourite lullabies and running my fingers through his damp hair.

"I know you feel yucky baby but daddy will make you feel better yeah?" I tell the tired boy, taking the two of us into his nursery.

I dim the lights and lay him on his changing table. Heart hurting at the sight of my baby in pain.

His breathing was slightly uneven and with the way he was restlessly moving his limbs and stretching his toes I could tell his joints were aching.

I took off his diaper and cleaned him all up. Not bothering to put a fresh one on him as I took off his top and wrapped his lower half in a towel. Bringing him into the bathroom.

Taehyung was exhausted but continued to cry as the bath ran. I put the taps on cold with a bit of hot water coming through. Wanting to cool Taehyung down but not wanting to scold him with freezing water.

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