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Jungkook's pov:

The following college day went unfortunately quick.

Sure, I was relieved in the sense that the quicker the day went, the quicker I could get home and cuddle with Taehyung.

But I was trying to buy time. Trying to pick when is best to break the news to my boy. But I know really there isn't a perfect time to choose.

Taehyung hadn't slipped this evening which I was thankful for. I would never wish for him to be in any headspace that he didn't want to be in, and if he wanted to slip that would be completely okay. It's just that I need to break this news tonight and if he were to slip, i'd have to wait another day.

Dinner went really well. Taehyung ate the majority of his plate, only leaving a few mouthfuls and I was so proud of him.

Whenever he eats a full meal he goes quiet for awhile afterwards, and I can tell that's because he either feels sick or he's just not happy with what he's done. So i'm sure to smother him in kisses and praises of how proud I am of him.

We are currently sat up in bed. The tv playing on low in front as we are cuddled under an array of comforters and blankets and big comfy pillows. I know Taehyung loves when we do this, when we make a mini fort and I can tell it makes him feel safe. Can tell by how relaxed he always gets.

Showers and brushing of teeth finished long ago, the sun already setting in the sky and we were welcomed with the moon.

Taehyung was lying between my legs, back to my chest and I could smell the vanilla shampoo he used from his fluffy hair. My arms were wrapped securely around his waist, linking in the middle and Taehyung would play with my fingers and hands every now and again. Drawing patterns up the bare skin of my arms before getting lost back in the show that was currently playing.

Here goes nothing.

"baby?" I called out, leaving one of my hands to come up and card through his hair. It was so silky and smooth. Always is after he washes it.

Taehyung simply hums in response, eyes still focused on the tv.

"i need to tell you something" This is what seems to get his attention, as I feel him tense slightly beneath me.

"w-what is it? is everything okay?" he asks, sitting up to turn and face me. His eyebrows were creased in worry and I can tell it was the serious tone I used that made him act like this.

"yes bun, everything is okay, I just need to tell you a few things yeah?" I reply, sending a reassuring smile before sitting up myself.

I tuck a strand of hair behind his ear before pulling his body onto my lap. He's still incredibly small and tiny, but he doesn't have that deathly light weight to him anymore and that makes me sigh in relief. Granted he's still much too light for his age but it's all a working progress and Taehyung is doing amazing. Whether he realises it or not.

Taehyung sends me an uncertain nod, hooking his fingers under the neckline of my top in anticipation.

"tell me, please?"

I lean down to connect our lips, it's long and sweet. No tongues because this is not the time to introduce any new form of intimacy. But it's just enough to tell him that everything is going to be okay and to trust me.

He seems better when we part, giving me a small smile before he rests his head on my shoulder.

"baby, what i'm about to tell you was done completely out of love and respect and worry for you and your wellbeing. We love and cherish you so much, that if anything were to ever happen to you, we wouldn't know what to do with ourselves."

little bundle of joy | taekook Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora