Thirty Two

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Jungkook's pov:

"darling boy, it's okay, i'm not going anywhere. Daddy just needs to get changed."

Taehyung's crying hysterically in my arms. Nose runny and eyes swollen, hot tears staining his cheeks.

His grip on my shirt collar is brutal and he's refusing to let go.

I've tried and failed to get Taehyung to eat dinner, and so i've decided to change and get into comfy clothes before trying again.

But Taehyung's making it difficult.

"baby" I sigh, sitting down on the edge of the bed. I move Taehyung to straddle me and he keeps his head buried.

"sweetheart, I know you're scared but daddy isn't going anywhere. I'm not going to leave you. Daddy just needs to get changed so we can get comfy hm? I'll stay right in front of you the whole time so you can see where I am."

I gently run my hand up and down his back, hushing his cries.

"b-but dada weave if taetae 'ets go!"

I sigh, heart aching. Taehyung's really not in a good mindset right now.

"baby boy, can you look at daddy darling? you don't have to let go of me but can I just see your pretty eyes?"

I card my fingers through his hair and feel his head move, his brown orbs finally meeting my own. But they're clouded with tears and look incredibly sore.

"there he is" I smile. "my beautiful boy"

Taehyung sniffles and his eyes fall to my neckline, where his fingers are still gripped tight.

"daddy is just going to get changed. will you sit on the bed and keep me company whilst I do so? you can cuddle me straight after."

"d-daddy no weave?" Taehyung asks quietly, one of his fingers leaving my top to come up to his mouth.

"never angel. Daddy promises." I nuzzle our noses together and place a kiss there afterwards.

And for the first time tonight since getting back from the court house, Taehyung let's go of me. Albeit very shakily.

"well done bun. Such a good boy."

Being careful of my movements, I gently and slowly lift Taehyung off my lap and place him by the headboard. Propped up against the pillows. I give him his bunny and slide a pacifier past his lips, watching as he instantly begins to suck.

I tuck him under a fluffy blanket and kiss his forehead, before making my way over to the walk in wardrobe.

"ah!" I hear Taehyung cry out, the second I disappear into the wardrobe.

I'm quick to come back out to see he's sat up, tightly gripping the sheets. Eyes wide at me.

"it's okay, daddy's right here" I hold up the pjs i've just taken out and place them on the bed. Leaning over to plant a kiss to Taehyung's cheek.

I quickly get changed and immediately scoop Taehyung back up into my arms. Feeling him bury himself back into my neck.

Taehyung's never been like this before. Never been so afraid to let go of me let alone see me out of his sight. And i'm incredibly worried.

I grab his bunny and take us back downstairs. Prepared to try again with food.

With Taehyung still wrapped around me like a koala, I dish his dinner up on a monsters inc plate and fill up a sippy cup with juice, taking it all back into the living room with my own meal.

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