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Taehyung's pov:

I was brought into a small meeting room within the school. The walls were bare and a long wooden table for meetings was dominating the centre of the space.

I felt on edge and shaky, feeling very small in the presence of such intimidating beings.

I wanted Jungkook. As angry and upset as I am with him. I needed him here, with me. To comfort and protect me.

"Take a seat Taehyung" one of the men said, hand guiding to one of the many seats around the table.

I gave a shy nod, watching as the two sat down, before walking around to the opposite side and sitting down myself, wanting to be as far away from them as possible.

I didn't know why they were here and wanted to speak with me. I know it regarded my dad, but it wasn't me who called the police on him. Surely they can do whatever they need to do without having to talk to me?

"So, how was your day?" The one on the left asked, giving me what he probably thinks is a reassuring smile. But it looks forced and crooked. He's clearly the softer one out of the two.

The other man's face was drawn into a stern glare. Eyebrows hitched and a deep frown stitched his thin lips.

I quickly looked down, fingers tightly intertwining with one another as I choked out a quiet "o-okay."

I wanted Jungkook, or Jimin, or Yoongi Hyung. I'll even take my other Hyung's, not caring at the moment what they've done to me. I just don't want to be alone with these two men.

"Enough of the small talk Eunwoo, let's get over with what we've come here to do." The clear elder of the two snapped, voice gruff and I visibly shivered.

"So, Mr Kim, i'll quickly go over the rules and what you need to hear and expect from us, considering we don't want any slip up's now do we?" The angrier one spoke, eyeing me up and down with a small smug smile. Clearly trying to not laugh.

My eyes watered as I kept them trained to my lap. Fingers starting to get dents in them with how hard I was gripping my own skin.

Of course they know i'm a little. It would've been in the investigation and notes on me. But did he have to be so condescending about it?

I felt humiliated. Adding up the pros and cons of what would happen if I were to just hide under the table right now. But I sucked it up, giving a quick nod to the impatient man.


The other cleared his throat, picking up a small device and placing it on the table between us.

"so this is a recording device, it's just so we can catch everything we talk about without fearing we'll miss important information by trying to write it all down. You don't have to respond, nor answer any question that you're uncomfortable with, but it would help if you do try and have a go." The younger smiled.

"and if you feel 'little' or whatever it's called, i don't know how it works, just don't yeah? don't need to add babysitting to my cv. It's lengthy enough as it is." The one on the right spoke, his name tag reading 'Sungmin'. He spoke as if he'd rather be anywhere else than here. As if I was an inconvenience to him. And I completely understand.

Although I couldn't help my knee from bouncing and piercing the skin of my bottom lip with how hard I was biting it. Desperately trying to hold back my tears. Trying to keep my head as clear as possible under this pressure.

"Y-yes Sir."

With that, the recording device was clicked, and the interview began.


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