13.0 - Zitti e buoni

422 11 6

A/N: YA'LL i'm back from my monthly depressive episode tehe but GIRL 1.1K IS CRAAAAAZY I love the appreciation towards this book so much oh my. I hope you guys enjoy <3

Luna's POV: 

"fuck brooo" I whine, throwing the notebook and pen across the room in a fit. I'm so going to fail all of my exams. 

"see this is why I dont ever try to go back to university" Vic laughs, barely looking up from her phone as she lays in my bed scrolling on TikTok.

"Why do you even wanna go back anyway?" Damiano asks, lighting a cigarette as I glare at him and signal to the balcony door. I hate when he smokes IN MY ROOM. 

"Because I quit the café because I was bored and I dunno it felt like something was missing" I shrug.

Last week after our whole sentimental moment with Damiano and after finding out that he wrote a whole song about me, I had my hot girl moment and decided to change my life around. 

I'm not sure why I guess the song and the lyrics made so much sense, too much sense. I didn't want to feel like that or associate myself with that. 

So I enrolled back into the University I dropped out of in the beginning of the year, but this time with a new major...psychology.

Okay, okay I sound like a basic white girl trying to find the easy way out by picking psychology, but god damn this shit is hard. 

"I regret it" I groan, looking down at the article I'm supposed to analyze of Sigmund Freud.

"Okay lets go for gelato" Damiano chimes in from the balcony as I jump up from my seat. 

"Yes please!" I squeal but Victoria only laughs at me,

"Girl you need to finish your shit first" she responds sternly as I sit back down with a frown. I invited them here to be my "parents" because honestly I can't do anything without procrastinating. 


A couple minutes later I rush through the article and I'm finally done.

"See I can do it if I actually focus" I boast as Victoria rolls her eyes. 

"Okay toddler, let's go get the boys and get gelato" Dami says, stepping on his cigarette butt and walking back inside. 

I smile happily and shoo them out of my room so I can put on a pair of shorts and a shirt. I slip on my converse and put on my backwards hat, walking out of the room. 

"cute" Vic chirps as she swings her arm around my shoulder. I grab my sunglasses and lock the door as we walk out. 

Nothing has happened between Damiano and I since that night he told me Coraline was written about me. They finished the song and uploaded it onto their upcoming album which they've been working insanely hard on. 

I've spent so much time with them in the studio and planning the album that I genuinely did not have time for anything else going on in my life. Not that there was much going on anyway. 

&quot;dalla luna&quot; ▪︎ damiano davidWhere stories live. Discover now