Academy graduation

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Life continued on into the academy. Right now, me and the other cadets were in the training grounds, learning how to shoot with blasters. Given the training my aunt gave me prior to my enrollment, I was naturally able to aim and hit targets. Unlike other academies, prestigious academies like the ones on Coruscant and other core worlds had better training and thus overall made superior soldiers compared to Outer Rim ones.

The academy had used refurbished B1 battle droids. These droids were made to shoot in non-lethal at us and our task was to shoot as many battle droids as we could. Currently, my score was 30 battle droids shot and the highest score at the moment. Priscilla was also pretty good and not far behind. Unsurprising given that her family was wealthy and had close ties to the ruling elites of her world in the core world. Gary unfortunately had a much lower score than us.

''Well done, cadets. Highest score with 30 droids shot goes to cadet Covraii, followed by cadets Roth and Kyse. Move on down the hallway to the classroom for today's test.'' ordered our instructor and we did as commanded.

''Cheer up, Gary. There's always a second chance.'' I said, trying to cheer up my friend.

''Outer Rim losers can't shoot properly. Maybe he'll do better as a nerf herder.'' taunted one of the bullies and his friends laughed.

''Don't listen to them. They're all just a bunch of spoiled, rich core world kids who lack any brains.'' I said and it unfortunately was heard by Priscilla.

''Excuse me, but I'm from the core worlds. Do I fall into that category?'' she said, staring straight at me.

''No, you're different.'' I said, trying my best to defend myself.

''Good.'' she simply said and walked to the classroom.

''Women, right?'' Gary said as he hit me with his elbows.

''Yeah, women.'' I said and we made our way to the classroom to conduct our tests. The questions were concerning the Clone Wars. About generals and fleet admirals, important battles and tactics employed by the Republic. It wasn't too hard for me but same couldn't be said for Gary unfortunately.

The test results were announced later that evening. Scoring about 94 marks, I earned second place. Priscilla got 3 marks more than me and Gary had 55 marks. Gary and I shared the same room and I helped him in his studies because I considered Gary a genuine friend. I didn't need to be jedi to sense Kyse and his friend's obvious distain towards me. Honestly, I couldn't care what they thought as long as they don't interfere with my studies.

The next day, the academy instructors were teaching us about schematics. The designs, roles and workings of walkers and star fighters. About how they were designed specifically to fit the infamous Tarkin Doctrine. I never really understood the whole point of the Tarkin Doctrine. These imperial walkers were all flawed in designs and the tie fighter even more so. But little can be done considering I am just a cadet.

Gary and I were walking back to our quarters when Kyse and his friends ambushed us. ''Think you're tough just because you have higher grades than us? Think again.''

''This kind of trouble is unnecessary, Kyse. You are just getting us into trouble.'' I tried to avoid fighting but it was clear he wasn't listening. Gary tried to get out of the other two's holds but couldn't. When Kyse called me in an insulting, almost racist comment, it made Gary angrier.

''That's it, Kyse!'' Gary in his extreme anger, had pushed one of his friends down. Kyse tried to help his friends but I grabbed his arm and pushed him down.

Kyse suddenly jumped at me and I fell down and he was trying to punch me. I quickly got back up to my feet and was fighting Kyse. I proved better at hand to hand combat then Kyse due to the training I recieved before enlisting here. One of Kyse's friends came to aid Kyse but I blocked his punch and knee kicked him in the stomach.

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