Secret wars part 3

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It was after the destruction of the second Death Star over the forest moon of Endor. Palpatine's plan, in the event of his death, was to inhabit a clone body. Snoke and I reassured him he would have clone bodies but there were none. Sith cultists prepared a special ritual to banish the soul of Darth Sidious to chaos and he had, in his desperation, attempted to inhabit me.

''Traitor! Traitor!'' Palpatine shouted as he attempted to inhabit my body but the ritual was finished. A blood red portal opened for his soul to be banished. In fear, Palpatine tried harder but it was too late. ''No!''

''Snoke nor I were never going to uphold our end of the agreement, Sidious. Even if I'm not of the Banite lineage, I am a sith lord and not your servant. Tell Snoke I said 'hi' when you meet him in chaos.'' I said to him and unleashed a force burst that sent Palpatine to the portal.

''NOOOOO!!!'' Palpatine's soul echoed throughout the minds of every sith on Exegol. The deed was done. Palpatine was no more and there was only one true dark lord of the sith.

''What's done is done. I do have to thank you for your lavish gifts though, Sidious. Byss and other planets, a world craft and even plans for the world devastators. Don't know if such a thing can be built here with all these projects but worth a try.'' I muttered and went to my private quarters on Exegol to sleep. And there, I hurt my back. ''Ah, my back. I miss my bed in Nineveh.''

       -a few months later, 5 ABY-

I was in my office/ throne room to talk with Prisca and my other wives through our secret communication lines but there was one problem. Where was my throne? ''Ummm... where is the throne?'' I asked as a female sith acolyte came.

''It's in repairs now, my lord.'' the acolyte replied.

''Really? My feet ache and now I have to stand apparently.'' I said but the sith acolyte bowed down where the throne was suppose to be. ''What are you doing?''

''In the meantime, I will become your chair, your lord.'' she said and if I had water or any drink in my mouth right now, I would spit it out.

'What dafuq? She secretly a masochist or something?' I didn't wanna but my feet were aching and she insisted, said it was punishment. 'Snoke, I seriously question whatever you were smoking in your milennia of existence.' I cursed Snoke who undoubtedly was laughing his ass off in the afterlife and the holograms came online.

''Ummm... Sal, what are you sitti-'' Prisca asked and I raised my hand to stop her.

''Not one word. Not one.'' I strongly insisted. ''How is Operation: Chaos going?''

''Going well. Gallius Rax is dead, his dreadnought is part of the Cobra Empire now. My agents have secured the Cinder satellites and they are enroute to planets with strong rebel sentiment. Worlds that actively support the rebellion like Mon Cala.'' Prisca replied and I smiled behind my mask.

''Be sure to take some Quarrens and Mon Calamari out before Mon Cala is destroyed. Their expertise in ship building could be useful.'' I ordered Prisca.

''Of course, Sal. Will do.''

''We recieved word that Grand Admiral Ishin-Il-Raz is becoming uncontrollable in the Outer Rim.'' Kore brought this up. Of course, that man would be alive. ''What should we do, Sal?''

''Kill him. Take his assets and just kill him. That pathetic man doesn't need to breathe anymore for even a second.'' I said, not hiding my obvious hate for Ishin-Il-Raz, one of the first to earn the rank of Grand Admiral.

''You seem to hate him very much, Sal.'' Kore remarked.

''Hate him? Oh no, my dear wife, I outright despise and loathe him. He is a fanatic follower of Palpatine. During the Clone Wars, he was part of a group that were fanatical to the then Supreme Chancellor. When the empire was formed, Il-Raz was among the first to given the rank of Grand Admiral. A position he did not earn nor had any right to. He was given that because he was unquestionably loyal to Palpatine. He is a sadist who uses unnecessary and excessice violence all to amuse Palpatine. His death will make me and Cobra more popular in the Outer Rim and small imperial splinter factions.''

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