Samovar campaign

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After my victory on Mimban, I was gifted awards from my higher ups in the Empire. One of these was an Arquitens class light cruiser which I named, 'Morning Star'. Of course, I was an army commander and ships were usually assigned to navy captains and admirals but they made an exception with me since it's not everyday a war was put down. On another note, it seems like the will of the force that my aunt continued rising in status and power.

Her partnership with a Muun businessman named Hugh Kest made her open her own intergalactic bank. Almost unthinkable given what happened to IGBC after the Clone Wars but she did. With her secret dealings with Hutt crime lords and others of the kind with regional banks, the Covraii Investment Corp now became the only source where Hutt money and galactic credits could be properly exchanged. That and my aunt controlled the major and minor hyperspace routes meant endless profit for her. She was already the wealthiest and most influential person in the Seswanna Sector ( after Moff Tarkin) and her power just kept increasing.

Currently, I was stationed on Coruscant with my troops awaiting further orders. We were in the dining halls eating our lunch and I sat among my fellow troops. Many high ranking officers ate in a separate room made for them but I chose to ate with my troops the same food they were served. I hoped to gain their trust and to build stronger bonds between officer and soldier. I ate, I drank and shared conversations with my men when the orders came in for our next assignment.

The planet of Samovar, located in the Western Reaches. That region of space held the greatest support for the Separatist alliance and when the Clone Wars ended, many Separatists fled there to continue the fight. After the formation of the Galactic Empire, Moff Tarkin led the campaigns that crushed these holdouts and after 4 years, the holdouts were eliminated. But it seemed as though the Western Reaches didn't get that memo.

The recent droid attacks in the Western Reaches, combined with the Mimban insurrection and mass pirating, caused the empire to push our graduation at an earlier date. With Mimban gone, it was time to focus on the bigger threat: the Separatist holdouts on the Western Reaches. The last sparks of a failed ideaology.

(A/N: just a sidenote here but my story takes place in 9 BBY which means Solo already happened. Kenobi will be taking place about this time and in four yesrs, Andor)

I boarded the Morning Star and with 2 other Arquitens class cruisers and 3 Gozantis, we made the jump to hyperspace. After some time, we reached Samovar to find ourselves engaged with a Separatist fleet that consisted of 7 Muunificent frigates, 4 Recuscant class destroyers, a Providence dreadnought and 2 Lucrehulks. The Separatist ships unleashed all their starfighter compliments and our tie fighters were more outnumbered than us.

''Colonel Covraii sir, we are outnumbered 3 to 1.'' alerted one of the communications officers on my ship.

I looked at the fleet in front of me and simply smirked. Were it be any other imperial navy commander ( minus Thrawn) they would send every tie fighter without analyzing first. Unlike them however, I knew these droids. I knew how they worked and wasn't worried in the slightest with imperial cruisers on my side. ''Then it is an even battle.''

''Sir? What do you mean?''

''I know these ships, lieutenant. I know how they work and their main weaknesses. Contact the captains of the other two cruisers. Do not send our tie fighters and contact Coruscant for reinforcements. This threat is bigger than we expected.'' I ordered and the lieutenant did so as commanded.

''Colonel Covraii, what is the meaning of this? We need to destroy those ships immediately!'' said the captain of an Arquitens class cruiser, nearly shouting at me.

''No need to shout, gentlemen. I simply have a theory that I want to test.''

''Test? We have a mission to accomplish, not tests!''

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