Extra-galactic expansion

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A/N: I guess I had some leftover motivation... if that even makes the slightest bit of sense. Well, few more chapters till I hit the 'completed' button. Hope you enjoy.

        -palace of Nineveh, Akkadia-

A year and a half had passed since the end of the Cobra-New Republic War. The very long and brutal galactic civil war which engulfed the greater galaxy since the destruction of the first Death Star was over. The jedi were gone and the sith now rule eternal and infinite. The greater galaxy was firmly in the iron grip of the Cobra Empire, my empire. Ten long years of war had ended. From the various warlords who sought to gain power, to the death of Zsinj, the campaign of Grand Admiral Thrawn... it was finally over. Cobra emerged as the victor and brought in peace. Now, it was time for rebuilding and eventual expansion.

First, the economy had been stabilized and then rebuilding was initiated. Effective governors and administrators, unquestionably loyal to Cobra, were put in charge. The State Security was in charge of maintaining order in the galaxy. New Republic supporters were hunted down and sent to the forced labour camps as their punishment. Security troopers occupied the streets and regular civilians could enlist as well. As the rebuilding took place, there was some minor opposition to Cobra rule. The SS rounded them up and sent them to the force labour camps, censorship put in place to prevent the public knowing too much. We weren't really a democracy so why pretend? Hundreds of millions were sent there to serve and the accounts of former senators seized to fund the building projects. A large standing army consisting of trillions of wraith troopers and Mimban death corps Igigi was available and a vast, numerous navy. It was needed for one great threat: the Yuuzhan Vong.

They plagued my mind, these far outsiders. They were the biggest reason as to why Thrawn joined the empire. The New Republic's policies and the warring factions wasn't going to do it. A militarized society was needed and with the Ysalamiri lizards, cloning could be done at a faster rate. New education policies and youth programs were initiated, monitored heavily by the SS, to create a loyal population. One of the key things in this new system was to end the divide between humans, near humans and aliens. No one wanted another separatist movement from growing.

The interdictor field technology was used to create artificial lanes in the Unknown Regions to make travel much safer. Contact with the nearby neighbouring galaxies was much stronger too. Small expedition fleets were organized though the threat of the Vong still exists. Contact with the species of the Unknown Regions to negotiate peace was happening. If they refused, it was total annihlation and it wouldn't be just a small force with a few ships. No. It'll be with the full might of the Cobra armed forces.

''What say the Chiss? Have they agreed to our terms?'' I asked the cabinet.

''Yes, my lord. The Chiss Ascendancy has wisely opted for vassalage under the Cobra banner.'' a Cobra diplomat answered. ''They have accepted your terms and are willing for further negotiations.''

''Good.'' I remarked. ''And of the Ssi Ruu and the other species? Have they come to accept?''

''I'm afraid not, my emperor.''

''Shame. I don't really enjoy this but I guess I have no other choice but to order their complete destruction. Tell the nearest commanders to be ready to move. I want their planets glassed till there is no patch of oxygen left.''

''The 12th fleet is the closest, my lord.'' another one informed me. ''Because of your wars in the Unknown Regions, I bet you my monthly salary that just a single fleet will be enough.''

''I'll hold you to your word, minister.'' I said and chuckled a bit at his comment. ''Have all the munificent star frigates been replaced with the new mark 4 munificents?''

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