The new dark lord of the Sith

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               -Nineveh, Akkadia-

It was the year that would eventually become 5 BBY. I had won the insurgent war of Sullust and had been promoted to the highest rank in the imperial army. I was now Grand General of the Galactic Empire and was granted the title of warlord. That title held much signifigance. Only being granted to the most tactically brilliant military minds, the rank of warlord was granted to only those who reached the rank of grand general, grand admiral or grand moff but even then, not everyone was granted that title. Tarkin was a grand moff, the most powerful one at that but he wasn't a warlord. Same went for the 12 grand admirals with not all recieving that title. I had the qualities necessary to earn that title and I held authority greater than other grand generals or grand admirals. I had dozens of worlds under my control and had unlimited power in these systems. I was the second most powerful man in the Mid-Outer Rim and one of the top 20 imperials.

I was given greater power and control over the systems of the Mid-Outer Rim with only Tarkin outranking me. I could do as I please. One of my first acts was to influence the education systems of these systems. Changing it to indoctrinate the young children to be loyal, fanatical supporters of the empire but more specifically, me. My investments in the economies and infrastructure of these worlds silenced the older populous and if they spoke out, the State Security secret police, a new division of the ISB made to operate in the Mid-Outer Rim and reported directly to me, would take them away. Reeducation camps or force labour camps would be their next destination.

I then moved millions of impoverished citizens who lived in the lower levels of Coruscant and sent them to the impoverished worlds. Their children, if found force sensitive, were taken away to become sith acolytes. These people would become one with the population and then being put through the imperial brainwashing programme. Much like storm trooper training, this programme would remove their individuality and replace them simply as organic, subserviant droids. My mind conflicted regarding these policies as they were in direct opposition to the morales my parents and townsfolk taught me but I was too powerhungry and corrupted by the dark side to stop it. People were no longer people. Only organic machines who live to serve our cause.

I looked over at the skematics of the shipyard constructions. Akkadia, planets in sith space and key worlds in the Mid-Outer Rim had large shipyards and factories built so that they can construct my new fleets and armies. These would house cobra training centres and the construction of the new vehicles for the sith eternal. They would build new muunificent class frigates with new weaponry and the new harrower class cruisers. They also built speeders, tanks and frigates with funds I provided. In about 5 or so years, COBRA may have a fighting force of over 10 million soldiers but that number felt too small.

The main purpose of COBRA was to be both an underworld organization and a political faction. With huge amounts of money and a strong para-military force, COBRA held great influence and it convinced many young people from worlds that were outside my brainwashing programme to join. If it meant escape from the poverty and constant crimes, they accepted. Unknown to them however was that they would simply become slave workers for COBRA and the sith eternal with strong ones becoming part of the cobra troopers. In the eventual war with the growing rebels that, according to Snoke's visions, will become a New Republic, COBRA will act as a second front from the main fighting force. Perhaps they might prove strong enough for the weaker imperials who will refuse to join me.

"All according to plan.'' I muttered as I gave my signature approving the assassination of a suspected rebel. With that, I activated the infinity gate and left my office to meet Snoke. It was high time I killed that deformed abomination.

-uncharted planet, Unknown Regions-

On an uncharted planet near the edge of the galaxy in the Unknown Regions, I came out an infinity gate and there before me was Snoke. All the training and years of honing my skills came to this moment. The planet was dark. Black ash like clouds blocked the light from the system's star and lightning lit the planet. I could see Snoke smirk with his signature, crooked smirk. ''The time has come to claim your right, Salazar. The time for you to become the new dark lord of the sith has come.'' Snoke said, his voice echoing in the dark, cold atmosphere as I felt the presence of some light side cult on this planet and the arrival of a Vong fleet.

''It has.'' I merely said and took out two blasters and fired at Snoke who merely pushed the bolts away.

''Mere blasters are no match for me, Salazar.'' Snoke declared as he took out his black colored lightsaber. I charged at Snoke and our sabers made impact.

I jumped up and kicked Snoke hard in the head and then delivered a serious of punched on his stomach. I tried to slash at him but Snoke used the force to fly up. He then threw a barrage of lightning empowered rocks at me which I sliced with ease. Snoke came down and we fought with our sabers. I used my stronger, more agile body with the force and jumped around with quick turns to confuse Snoke. The deformed abomination of a man managed to keep up with my speed. Snoke pushed me far away and made a deep hole to which I fell.

''You can do so much better than that, Salazar.'' Snoke said as he lifted large boulders and threw them down upon me.

I focused lightning around my hands and unleashed a devastating force wave that turned the boulders to dust. Snoke laughed like a mad man and flew up, throwing down rocks and shooting force lightning on me. I unleashed my own wave of force lightning and our two lightning energy condensed and exploded. I flew up via the rocket boosters on my boots and grabbed Snoke's head. I dragged him across the mountain range and threw him down with force lightning. I shot a flaming inferno of dark blue force lightning and Snoke used a force field to protect himself.

Snoke came jumping up and we clashed with our lightsabers once more. Snoke came down to the ground and used the force to pull me down. He came to impale me but I dodged in time. I kicked Snoke hard on the head and then punched him 2 times. I kicked Snoke far away and then pushed him down. I placed my boot down on his face and burned it. Snoke pushed me aside but I electrocuted him. Snoke countered with his own lightning and I leviated rocks to attack him. Snoke became serious and unleashed a massive force storm that engulfed the planet.

''I have my own tricks, master.'' I said then put the palm of my hand on the ground. Then, 5 massive dark blue dragons made of force fire and lightning miles in length came out. They attacked Snoke who countered by directing the force storm to attack the dragons.

I used force teleportation to escape the ginormous explosion that followed. I caught glimpse of Snoke then flew to his location and shot my blasters at him. Snoke deflected all the blasts and I blocked his lightsaber strike with my own. I kicked Snoke but he tanked my kick with relative ease. ''Give in to your hatred and anger, Salazar! Use every technique you know to strike me down!'' Snoke roared and I had one final trump card.

Snoke pushed me aside and electrocuted me but I remained calm despite the pain. I stretched out my arms and hands and used the deadly technique of Darth Nihilus, force drain. Blue energy started to come to my body and Snoke's own life force was being drained. Snoke simply smirked as his destiny to train a new sith lord was complete. I started losing control and the life essence and force of the star system, the light side cult and the star was becoming unstable. In my uncontrollable state, I lost consciousness and fell down.

I woke up after some time and felt no life from the planet. At least the remains of one. The entire system was dead. The star had collapsed and went into a supernova which destroyed the system and the Yuuzhan Vong fleet. My armored uniform and my force powers protected me from the nova apparently. I saw Snoke's deformed bones just in front of me and I smirked. ''You were right, Snoke. It was time I became the new dark lord of the sith.'' I said and called for an infinity gate portal. I walked in and was back at Exegol where the sith eternal cult waited. ''Snoke is dead. I am the new dark lord of the sith.''

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