Traitor hunt

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Just as I was to board a shuttle, Prisca came to stop me. ''Prisca, what is the meaning of this? I have a smuggler to hunt.'' I said, making it sound as urgent as I could.

''I know but... orders from Coruscant. These are assigned to you.'' she said and behind her were 8 death troopers. One of the empire's finest and deadliest. ''Due to your spice deal, these death troopers are assigned to protect you and fight alongside you.''

''Ain't that neat.'' I said and motioned for the death troopers to follow me. The shuttle landed on the Morning Star and I quickly headed to the bridge to be briefed. The storm troopers and navy personnal were shocked to see death troopers follow me on the cruiser.

''Death troopers. Elites of the elite.'' commented a storm trooper to his comrade.

''Awesome.'' his fellow storm trooper replied.

On the bridge, I stood in the middle of the room and the death troopers took their formation. ''Lieutenant, status update.'' I asked and the lieutenant quickly got in attention mode.

''A YT series Corellian freighter stole 20 crates of spice, colonel. Suffered heavy damage after Tie fighters were deployed.''

''Good. Let's hunt some smugglers shall we?'' I said and the ship took flight.

''Salazar, what are death troopers doing here?'' Gary asked, arriving in the bridge and making his presence known.

''They were assigned to me, Gary. Smile for them.'' I said and I could feel  Gary roll his eyes over. The Morning Star took flight and the smugglers in their damaged freighter was in sight for the kill.

                   -2 weeks later-

The 17th storm trooper legion and 187th battalion were under my direct command along with 8 death troopers. In our free time, I had every trooper undergo training exercises to better themselves. I was no fool. I knew that despite Akkadia being an important planet where raw spice could be made into more useful products, the higher ups only gave me Outer Rim trained ones.

On paper, there wasn't much difference between Core trained and Outer Rim trained but it was not meant to be shown. Storm troopers and other military personnal stationed in the Outer Rim recieved far less training (and easier ones at that) compared to their Core and Deep Core counterparts. This lack of interest in industrializing the Outer Rim was one of the reasons the CIS was such a big threat and the empire didn't seem to learn much.

Me and Gary decided to let the troopers undertake more training. Combat simulations under various terriain, friendly spars and better training overall made the 17th legion and 187th battalion a deadly force to be reckoned with. I encouraged the other officers like Major Gren to eat, drink and chat alongside the troopers to foster a better relationship and to make them stronger as a team.

Currently, I was having a lightsaber spar with my death troopers. I had given all 8 of them magna guard electrostaffs and even trained them in sword fighting. Our spar was interrupted when Major Gren knocked on my door. ''Sir, the troops are assembled as you commanded.''

''Good, Major. I'll arrive shortly.'' I said and wiped off my sweat. I put on my uniform and walked out, with my death troopers not far behind. I stood in front of the thousands under my command and said through the comm link, ''Alright gentlemen. This is getting really old. This is the 3rd engine to malfunction in a week all because of one trooper's lazy buckethead. I want the one who was guarding the engines yesterday, to step forward and face his punishment.''

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