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                     -a month later-

After a month since the Yuuzhan Vong attacked Ru'laan outpost, we were tasked to hunt down more pirates. The 17th legion mourned the loss of one of it's brave captains. I told Moff Tarkin of the alien threat but he only told me not to worry about them and to not tell it to anyone as it is a secret of the highest order. This made me suspect that the empire, at least the highest members, knew of the Vong and were making preparations for an inevitable confrontation.

In my room, I was trying to lift a rock telekinetically. Months back I had discovered myself to be force sensitive and capitalizing on it, I tried to hone my powers. I could go to the inquisitors for aid but my personal dislike concerning them was too much. That and something just influenced me to not report this to anyone. I don't know why but I followed it as if it was my own feeling. There was a mysterious book that just appeared out of nowhere containing knowledge about the force and it was my best bet to learning it's secrets. 

The small rock was floating in the air but it fell down again. I lost focus or that was how the writing in the book would say. In my anger I crushed the stone and sat down. Then the ship was shaking and sounds of explosions were heard. I quickly took my cape and ran to the bridge. There I saw 3 pirate ships, friagte class, and a stolen refirbished Lucrehulk surrounding us near where the Morning-Star was. Near the Unknown Regions.

''Return fire.'' I ordered but the turrets were too damaged to fire back. I knew the pirates wanted the spice in our cargo bay. I needed a new strategy quick since the men onboard would be killed anytime soon. Luckily, the force was on my side as the pirate leader hailed us.

''Greetings there colonel.'' the pirate leader said. ''I want all your spice and all the weapons you have onboard. Give it to me and I will spare you, 'kay? On of the frigates will board your vessel but if you try anything, we will obliterate you, 'kay?'' he told me and cut off the comms.

I looked at my 546 class imperial cruiser as I called for Major Gren. ''Major, this is what we'll do. Take all the crew and troopers on the Morning-Star and once the frigate docks, storm in and take control. Once you do, retreat to the nearest imperial outpost.''

''I understand your plan, sir, but what will you do?'' the major asked.

''I will stay behind and ram the ship into the Lucrehulk.'' I told the major.

''Sir! Is that wise? You might die!''

''I won't major. I and the death troopers will escape via the Lambda shuttle. Communications team, make a jamming signal to stop the pirates commlinks. You have your orders.'' I told them and they did so. Once the frigate boarded, the jamming signal was fired and the troopers shot down the pirates.

Major Gren led the assault on the bridge of the pirate ship and eliminated all the pirates. The crew of the Morning-Star boarded and quickly got to work. They dislodged the docking port and prepared for hyperspace to the nearest imperial outpost. Before leaving, Major Gren took one last good look at the Morning-Star. ''May the force be with you, colonel.'' he muttered as the pirate frigate jumped to hyperspace.

Back inside the Morning-Star, I set the ship to crash into the Lucrehulk with impact in about 4 minutes. I set the ship's main reactor to explode within that time. The death troopers boarded the Lambda shuttle and I ran straight into it. Then, the same feeling I used to feel manifested itself. Telling me to set a hyperspace route into the Unknown Regions. Having no control, I just set the coordinates and the shuttle took off. Once leaving the Morning-Star, it left the space near the ships and jumped to hyperspace. The cruiser crashed into the Lucrehulk and made a huge explosion that decimated a nearby pirate ship.

Galactic Overlord ( A Star Wars self insert story)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora