New powers

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A/N: before I forget, Salazar Covraii's main lightsaber forms are form 5 and 6 with forms 2 and 4 as secondary forms.

Also, sith marauder Roxanna's lightsaber is like sith Rey's only if it could be split in two.

Also, it's late and all but may the 4th be with you, always.


Shortly after I was able to get up and travel, I was to be on Coruscant as the emperor wanted to personally meet me there. After my promotion to the rank of high general was made public, the emperor wanted to see how my skills fared against his own inquisitors. How more powerful I was under Snoke's teaching especially since I already defeated an inquisitor without any prior force training. I had defeated all the inquisitors with relative ease. Inquisitors may be trained in the force but their abilities and skills are nowhere near the levels of properly trained jedi or sith. If anything, their main job was to hunt down force sensitive children or padawans who did not complete their training. They were no match for full fledged jedi knights or sith acolytes and assassins.

The only who could even give a good fight was the grand inquisitor and even then it was because he was a former jedi temple knight. I turned off my saber and went back to the emperor. ''Your inquisitors are mediocre at best, my emperor, but I suppose they have their uses.'' I said to the emperor.

''All pawns have their uses, general Covraii. It would be a shame if we do not use it to it's fullest potential.'' the emperor told me and in the room came his apprentice, Darth Vader. ''Ah, lord Vader. High General Covraii, meet my apprentice. I believe you two haven't met each other.''

''Pleasure, lord Vader. I've heard a great deal about you and have been looking forward to this moment.'' I said to the emperor's apprentice.

''As am I, general Covraii.'' the sith lord said to me and both me and the emperor continued our conversation. I had complete control over the funding, resources and technology of the Unknown Regions Exploration programme though in truth, it was more than just an exploration plan. It was a mission to chart usuable hyperspace lanes and build up defenses and raise armies to fight in the Yuuzhan Vong and other threats.

I was then put on the emperor's secret 'shadow council'. This council was made up of the most tactically brilliant and politically influential members of the empire. This council had members like Mas Amedda, Sly Moore, Sate Pestage, Darth Vader, Grand Moff Tarkin and fleet admiral Gallius Rax. Potential members included Zsinj and Thrawn but they needed more prestige in their career if they were to join the shadow council. This body were some of Palpatine's most trusted and were given knowledge of the emperor's contingency plans in the event of his death. Given that I was a powerful sith under Snoke's tutelage, one of the best military commanders in the empire and had great wealth and influence in the galaxy, I was an obvious choice for the shadow council.

After that, I had returned to my flagship, the Morning-Star where my 17th legion and all imperials under me were waiting for my return. Among them were Tie squad captain Rodrik Kyse, storm trooper captain Kassus Strave, naval captain Christopher Conrad, recently promoted ISB major Priscilla Roth (my wife) and disgraced imperial admiral Rydge. When I arrived, I called them all on the bridge where I told them of my promotion and recently earned position as head of Unknown Regions Exploration and Research Department. I then took my long awaited revenge on the incompetent admiral Rydge. He was the reason Gary was dead or so I thought in my mind. I force choked him with holograms projecting this to every part of the Morning-Star and the ships under my command, in full view of every trooper, pilot, gunner and officer.

''No, High General Covraii, sir! Please! I can serve you! Agh!'' the admiral pleaded, begged for his life at his former subordinate turned superior commanding officer. I did not listen and unleashed a wave of lightning that killed him and burned his skin like a roasted animal.

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