Vs the Hapes Consortium

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               -Nineveh, Akkadia-

In my office in the palace of Nineveh, I sat down on my chair and desk and designed for myself my future flagship. One that would be the absolute pinacle of naval supremecy and warfare, a technological marvel unrivaled and unmatched in all of history. The ship's designation was codenamed 'project endgame' and I continued adding more detail. It was to be over 250 kms long and had over a million weapons of every kind. A mix between the Death Star and a star destroyer but far more practical than the giant space ball. It was planned to be made out of pure adarite, making it practically indestructible though such a thing was just wishful thinking. It's superlaser would be capable of destroying planetary shields and the crust of entire planets. This ship was kept secret from Palpatine and I intended to keep it that way. This ship would require over a decade, at least 15 years to finish but with my knowledge in the dark side, that was nothing.

''Salazar, dear, what are your thoughts regarding the recent strikes in Utapau?'' Kore asked me. I thought hard about that for a minute till I answered.

''Prepare a meeting with them, Kore. I want to hear why they decided to strike at a time like this.'' I replied.

''Will do, love.'' she replied back as she set up a date for a meeting between me and the Utapauns.

I smiled at her willingness to work alongside me. Each of my 3 wives had a special skill that made life and work much easier. Priscilla being a skilled agent in the ISB meant that information and espionage could be relied on her. Kore was a strict and cruel, manipulative woman with a clever brain who helped run the administration of the Covraii household. Her desires for me and her fear of me was able to keep her in check. Silk was a miliatary woman who valued skill, discipline and hard work above others. She made sure no one, worker or soldier, in Nineveh were slacking. They relieved me of much stress from my work as general, governor and noble.

Silk entered my office with a house maid behind her, pulling a trolley. ''Salazar, my dear.'' she said in a flirty voice as she leaned in and kissed me on my left cheek. The same cheek the rogue jedi Naq Med cut off back in Samovar about 3 years back and it was healed. Silk sat down on a chair to my left as the maid gave us our afternoon tea. ''Your favourite, Sal. Must be a tiresome day at work even after your victory over the 9 penny kings just a few weeks back. No matter. A canalé and tea will set your energy back to a hundred.'' Silk said as the maid gave me my canalé and tea.

''Thank you, Silk. I'm sure it will lighten up the day for me.'' I said as I ate and drank. ''Ah, Raggal.'' I exclaimed as Raggal entered my room.

''Cousin. The documents regarding the shipping and supply of raw materials need your signature.'' Raggal said to me as he showed me the holo-doc and I took out my black cyber pen and gave it my signature. ''I'll send it to the required people now that your signature is confirmed.'' Raggal said and he left.

I continued my work in designing the final parts of my future ship. The design was taken from Palpatine's scrapped Eclipse class super star destroyer idea. I had the overly exposed bridge tower replaced with a better, harder to attack bridge of an apollyon class. I had increased the length and the ship was both a dreadnought and a battlestation at the same time. Over 250 kilometers long, about 70 kilometers wide and 95 kilometers in height, the ship had an armament of over a million quad turbo lasers, a million ion cannons, hundreds of thousands of ventral missile cannons, concussion grenade launchers, point defense cannons and mega-caliber 5 cannons. It could carry over half a million starfighters, walkers, several dozen cruisers and even some star destroyers. The ship's design was finalized and I sent it through a special comm link to Exegol.

After a tiresome day, I took a nice, warm bath and went to bed. The bed was 15 feet wide and 9 feet in length. It was made of the finest materials and decorated with gold and fine jewelry, paid for with my own money. I went to bed where my two wives were there also and I only wished Prisca was here as well.

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