The rule of Cobra

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-fortress of Somtek, Pashargade-

Igigi and wraith troopers, hundreds of thousands of them were waiting for me. The conquest of Pashargade was going smoothly. About 78% of the planet was under the rule of Cobra. Tanks, walkers, sith spawn, gunships and starfighters waited till I, riding atop my trusted mount, the Akkadian wolf Fenrir, came to them. ''Hail Emperor Salazar! Hail Emperor Salazar! Hail Emperor Salazar!'' chanted the soldiers, drivers and artillery gunners.

I ignited my lightsaber and shouted in a loud voice, ''We move! To the capital of Silesia and raze it to the ground!'' I shouted and they cheered loudly.

''To Silesia!'' they chanted and soldiers boarded the gunships and my army prepared to moved out. The horde of tanks, speeder chariots, walkers and sith spawn then started to move to Silesia. Fenrir jumped to my corvette, the Endless Night, and we moved to the capital of Silesia. I took my seat and Silk was there beside me.

''Growing up, I often would hear the poems and songs composed for the great conquests and victories of past kings. The likes of Sargon, Adad-Nirari, Shalmanessar, Ashur-ubalit, Tikulti-Ninarta, Ashur-dan, Tiglath-Pilesar, Sennacherib, Esharaddon, Ashurbanipal and more.'' I said to Silk. ''Now, they will write songs that speak of my conquests, dear Silk.''

''You are the first king of kings in Akkadia's history in nearly two thousand years, Sal.'' Silk reminded me of that little fact. ''Not to mention the emperor of Cobra. To not speak of it is almost unbelievable.''

''To think someone from an insignificant town in a small planet could rise to such level. The force may perhaps have a sense of humor afterall.'' I remarked as the Cobra army reached the Silesian capital. ''Pilot, what is the status of the wider war? What news do my commanders have for me?''

''The New Republic is 97% destroyed, my emperor. All hope for their victory is impossible.'' the pilot answered.

''Ah. It went better than I anticipated. Tell all units to make camp. I want then to suffer for their betrayal.'' I ordered and my army made camp. We besieged the city for two and a half weeks. There was a price for betrayal and the New Republic had no chance of surviving at this rate.

(inside the royal palace of Silesia)

''They're just waiting outside.'' spoke one of the generals to the king. ''Nothing. They're doing nothing.''

''They are doing something.'' retorted another general. ''They're putting us in a siege. Salazar Covraii is an Akkadian, the most brutal and warlike of all people. His people treat war as if it is a neccessity. He is cunning and brutal. He traps us here to not just starve us but he wants to test something.''

''And what is that?'' asked another commander.

''What will snap first. If we can continue as ourselves, a functioning government. He wants to know whether or not the people will start an uprising or if our faith in the king is still as strong as it always has been.'' the general replied and the guards brought in a prophet. The prophet in question was arrested and tortured for telling the king and people to surrender and not rebel against Cobra.

''Prophet.'' a teary king of Silesia called him out. His face dark and gloomy as his people face oblivion. ''Will you not speak for us? Is there no hope at all?''

''Nothings changed.'' the old prophet answered. ''Yes, there is NO hope. I warned you to not rebel against Cobra. I told you if you continued your ways, oblivion will come from beyond the stars. Look out there for your answer is outside.''

(after 18 days of siege)

''Get a move on!'' ordered the wraith trooper commander as artillery cannons, very heavy ones, were brought to their places. Two and half weeks of being trapped in their own city with the already existing food shortage caused a severe famine in the city. Reports indicated that there were signs of cannibalism.

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