Secret wars

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       -my office, the Morning-Star-

''How goes the recruitment of new cobra troopers?'' I asked Ereshkigal over on the secured communication lines directed to Ziost.

''According to my estimates, COBRA can increase it's forces to over 10 billion within the next six years, my lord. And a few thousand sithspawn to aid in Operation: Abyssal Rise, your campaigns will succeed.'' Ereshkigal replied.

''Snoke only informed me that Palpatine will die by the 4th year after the Battle of Yavin, which is next year. Only other few things he told me is of Operation: Cinder though Prisca will take care of it. While I'm certain that many imperial admirals, generals and moffs will carve out their own territories, the alliance will eventually become a New Republic. Six years worth of information that not even Snoke of all people could provide me. Station some hundred million in Coruscant's underground levels. That will help me in the eventual retaking of Coruscant as it was one of the few things Snoke knew.'' I ordered her.

''Of course. Perhaps with more funding and armament, the people of Coruscant can be recruited in greater numbers to be used as cobra troopers, my lord.'' Ereshkigal suggested and I took out my data phone.

''Consider it done.'' I said as I transferred the funds and made orders for new shipments. ''What is Roxanna doing currently, Ereshkigal?''

''About that, my lord. The dark side cult called the 'shapers' have rejected COBRA's offers and openly declared war. Miss Roxanna is preparing a task force to eliminate them. She wondered if you would like to join her.''

''How I hate it when they don't just surrender but then again, I do enjoy a good campaign.'' I said as I looked over some data. ''I will join her shortly.'' and then the transmission ended.

I grabbed hold of my helmet and then opened it. White vapour came out as my helmet was removed. I placed it on the table and took a deep breath. My hair and face was covered with warm sweat and I walked up to the bathroom to wash my face. I put the shampoo down on my hair and washed my hair also. I grabbed the towel and dried my face and hair. I looked at my face and hardly much changed aside from the visible aging. My skin still sickly pale from sith medicine trying to heal the Vong chemical attack I sustained years ago. My hair was still as smooth and black as it was. My eyes were saphirre blue from spice intake though I missed the black color with which I was born with.

Prisca suddenly entered and was a bit surprised. ''Oh, Sal. Sorry but did I disturb you?'' she asked nervously but I merely shrugged it off.

''As if I could call your presence near me a disturbance, Prisca. It's always good to see you no matter how brief. Do come in.'' I said and she sat down.

''I understand that you required my presence but as to why I still do not know. Care to tell me, Sal?'' Prisca asked me.

''Yes. As you already know, Gallius Rax is the one trained by Palpatine himself to engineer the empire's downfall and lead loyal imperials to the Unknown Regions to establish a new order. Before Operation: Abyssal Rise can be initiated, I need you to carry out for me Operation: Chaos.''

''Operation: Chaos? What is that? First time you mentioned it to me.''

''It's simple actually. When the emperor dies and the second Death Star destroyed, Gallius Rax will order Operation: Cinder. You already know the details.'' I said and gave her a new data card. ''This data card is one you must activate upon Operation: Cinder's activation. It will broadcast a special signal that will trigger a virus in the emperor's crimson messengers that will divert the resources to you. You will then eliminate Gallius Rax and take control of his ships and initiate the 'fortress world strategy'. Most of the Outer Rim and Mid Rim will easily become our territory. Even with Operation: Cinder being a success, many imperials will start to carve out their own little empires. You have to recruit as many as you can to my cause or... do as you like with those who refuse. Assassinate them or whatever... just make sure resources aren't too spent fighting them. We still need to build up our forces.''

Galactic Overlord ( A Star Wars self insert story)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang