Old friends

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A/N: the 17th stormtrooper legion is 4-5 times larger than a standard legion. This is due to most veterans from Mimban joining the legion after the war (and it happened off screen). Wookiepedia is a bit split up on how big a stormtrooper legion is but best result I found puts it at 12,800 meaning the 17th legion under my command in this fic is about 51,200 strong. Due to being war veterans and getting intense training during time offs, the 17th legion is the deadliest force in the empire behind Vader's 501st.

             -ice planet of Vandor-

About a hundred troopers of the 17th legion were in the imperial train headed for the imperial garrison of Vandor, an ice planet located in the Sloo sector of the Mid Rim. Our task was to safeguard important transports heading off world. Me and my troops were shivering our butts off due to the extreme cold. Gary came to my side with a cup of warm drink. ''How much longer till we get there, Sal?'' Gary asked.

I looked over on my data pad and was calculating. ''About... 3 hours I think.''

''3 hours? 3 fuckin' hours? You gotta be kidding me.''

''Well we are by train so...''

''We should've just taken ships.'' Gary said in mild anger.

''They need special modifications to resist the cold sadly.'' I replied and drank my cup. ''This is pretty nice. How's the boys doing?''

''Fine. Shivering their asses off but fine all the same.'' Gary replied to my answer.

''Just 3 more hours, Gary. Just 3 more hours.'' I said and leaned over my chair when we heard speeder bikes.

''What was that? Speeders'' Gary asked, his blaster ready for a fight.

''Pirates.'' I replied. ''All troops, to your battlestations! Protect the cargo!'' I ordered over on the comms as we got out of our places to fight the pirates.

Stormtroopers in their snowtrooper armor were in their positions and gunners manned the turrets and fought the invading pirates aboard their speeders. There were dozens upon dozens of them and they dropped down on the train to steal the precious cargo. The pirates however severly underestimated the strength and might of the 17th legion. One of the pirates tried to fight a snowtrooper one on one, thinking he'd win but lost the fight and got thrown down the train. The snowtroopers were gunning down pirates with ease despite being outnumbered.

''Are these guys even stormtroopers?'' one of the pirates asked his comrades.

''They're from the 17th legion. War veterans from Mimban and Samovar. They're tougher than the average buckethead.'' a female pirate replied.

''Bombs away!'' a pirate shouted as the side of the train got blasted open and they were storming in.

''The pirates are in section 6. Repeat, the pirates are in section 6.'' a snowtrooper alerted everyone on the comms as they pressed the charge.

A big pirate wearing full body armor entered and punched a snowtrooper unconscious. Another trooper tried valiantly but was knocked out. 4 more troopers came but were shot unconscious due to the blue stun shots by the man's female partner.

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