2nd uprising of Kamino

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Before I left for the planet of Kamino, it pleased me to appoint capable people who were also loyal to the Covraii family while I was on campaign in the water world. 5 years back, Kamino had rebelled though it was kept as a top secret information. The emperor himself briefed me on the situation. 5 years back the clone makers of Kamino, those emotionless aliens who viewed all other races as inferior, made new clones. Ones that were far stronger than regular ones but that meant nothing when faced with a well coordinated, better equipped and better experienced soldiers. Darth Vader's 501st legion was sent to crush the first uprising. Now, it was up to me to finish a second one and prevent a third one in the future.

The Kaminoans had bred a new army like the previous one 5 years back. These so called 'anti-troopers' were stronger clones but would be no match for a superior equipped and experienced force like the 17th legion which saw action in 3 wars and numerous pirate raids. The anti troopers, despite the genetic enhancements, were no match for the 17th legion. The only problem however, was on how to infiltrate the planet.

Landing into the cities on Kamino would be difficult given that the Kaminoans had refurbished republic and separatist capital ships manned by their clones. Not to mention the planetary shields that protected the cities from orbital bombardment. Looking at my options, I had but one strategy in mind. An underwater assault. Captain Kassus and the hashashins will disguise themselves in the wreckage of decoy gozantis and arquitens so that they can infiltrate a city to be used as a base of operations. Luckily, the shadow trooper armor would prevent scanners from detecting them.

Above the planet of Kamino were 12 star destroyers along with the Morning-Star. The uprising on Kamino was so big that a dozen star destroyers were needed to punch through the Kaminoan ships. The decoy ships manned by drones came forth for them to be blasted by the Kaminoans just as I expected. The debris containing about a hundred of the best hashashins descended to the watery depths of Kamino.

''Successfully underwater, general Covraii. Preparing to infiltrate Timira city.'' captain Kassus informed me over on the encrypted comm link.

Aboard the bridge of my flagship, the Morning-Star, I recieved his message. ''Very good, captain Kassus. Infiltrate and get that shield generator down for the gunships to land on Timira city.'' I ordered him to do as I planned. ''To think the Kaminoans would not learn anything even after the failed droid attack back in the Clone Wars. Seems that their pride really is as big as their planet's water surface.''

Captain Kassus and 5 of his troops were successfully underwater near the city of Timira. They used their jetpacks to get closer to the city's underwater pillars when they saw refurbished 4 aqua droids up ahead. ''Look. Aqua droids. Can't believe they still recycle these things.'' a hashashin said to his fellow comrades via the comm links.

''Fire at the droids.'' captain Kassus ordered and before the droids noticed it, they were shot dead. ''Rest of you, infiltrate the other sections. Move in and prepare the drill.'' the captain ordered his men and they began to drill into the city. Once done so, they went inside and found themselves inside the city's sewage system. Not having time to be disgusted by the waste, they searched for a way out and eventually found it. A blue eyed Kaminoan entered to do repairs and captain Kassus shot the Kaminoan dead right there.

Then, they used their stealth tech to get higher up to the city. Captain Kassus saw an clone anti-trooper stand guard and he approached the clone then with his trusty vibroblade, slit the clone's throat. His hand over the clone's mouth to silence any noise. ''Hack into the system and find that shield generator.'' captain Kassus ordered and the troops did so.

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