Final battle of Umbara

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It had been 3 weeks since the 'battle of the sudden flame' in which 3 sithspawn had annihlated over 700,000 Umbaran soldiers. The task force under my command met up with imperial army colonel Sarkow which increased my ranks to over 3.2 million soldiers. After that, the Umbaran army had sent a second army to face me but they were quickly eradicated. The Umbaran army killed the sithspawn but suffered another half a million casualties. With 75% of the planet under imperial control, we had but one objective left: the capital city of Umbara itself.

''We're fortunate to have you with us, General Covraii.'' high general Rûnd said to me as I joined the military meeting between myself, the high general and general Galuis. ''We have but the Umbaran capital to take. The defenses are strong but our combined task forces will be sufficient enough to take the city.''

''If I may, high general.'' I said and raised my opinions regarding the attack on the city. ''We should take the task forces first to surround the city. That way, we can build fortifications to defend against reinforcing Umbarans. Reports did indicate that at least 6 million Umbaran soldiers bred by the Kaminoan cloners are off world and can very well come back.''

''That won't be necessary, general. By the time they return, the city will be ours and they will have no choice but to surrender. Bring your task force to the city by tomorrow and we will attack the city together.'' high general Rûnd ordered me and I had no choice but to comply.

''It will be done... high general Rûnd.'' I said and turned off transmissions to get some sleep.

-Umbaran capital-

The war council of Umbara was in much heated debate. One side wanted to end the war peacefully while they still could but the other wanted to fight till the very end. A brawl nearly ensued till the leaders got word of the recent imperial troop activity. ''Silence!'' shouted the Umbaran leader. ''Imperial high general Rûnd is marching to the city with an army of over ten million five hundred thousand soldiers. They will reach the city tomorrow but while we can fight them off, the worst is the presence of the 17th legion and it's leader, General Salazar Covraii.''

''We will fight till the bitter end!'' roared an Umbaran general. ''I don't care how large a force they weild or how brilliant of a strategist they have, we will never surrender!'' he said and got much approval.

''It may be brave but a mind like Salazar Covraii who won 4 wars and beated us on numerous occassions should not be underestimated. Remember what he can do. Mimban and Naboo are constant reminders of the horrors the 17th legion can inflict. I blame his Akkadian upbringing.'' a more conservative general said.

''Are you saying we should surrender? Deprive the people their right to defend their lived?''

''No! I say we fight! The presence of someone like Salazar Covraii means that the emperor wants us dead. There will be no surrender but I still advice caution. We are dealing with a man like Covraii after all.''

''I agree, general.'' the leader of the planet told them. ''Do you have ideas on how to combat this threat?''

''I have only one. We encircle the approaching imperial army as they are near the city. We will lose many lives but it is the only way to ensure victory.'' the general said and the other one agreed.

''Then by order of the Umbaran government, we mobilize.''

-next day-

The 17th legion and the other millions under my command had been forced to do a long trek across the mountains. I informed high general Rûnd that I might be arriving late. He responded by saying that the city will be attacked without me but I was to reinforce them when I arrive. I looked at my troops marching through the horrendous mountain and forest and sat down. The empire had grown a little bit desperate and they sent some of ISB's best agents to help us. Among them was Priscilla Roth.

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