Search for the Rakatan city of Eridu

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        -my office, the Morning-Star-

I was inside my office aboard my flagship as the 9th fleet obliterated a small force of rebels. Their Mid Rim retreat as it was later dubbed, was disastrous for the rebel alliance. The rebels actually believed that with some fresh recruits and ships, they could take on the full might of the empire. A terrible mistake as the empire's forces almost steamrolled through them and forced them to retreat. Now though, I had other matters to deal with. Rebels had been targeting Covraii freighters recently and it was time to use some of my assests. I contacted Roxanna to inform her of my decision.

''Yes, lord Salazar?'' she asked as her hologram appeared on the special communication link.

''Roxanna. The rebel alliance's constant targeting of my supply freighters has gone on for far too long.'' I told her. ''Officially, as one of the largest corporations and a great political power in the Mid-Outer Rim, House Covraii has several munificent class star frigates. Unofficially, they are outfitted with new weapons.''

''So you want some of these frigates to guard your freighters.'' Roxanna concluded. ''Your wish shall be fulfilled, my lord. Operation: abyssal rise will no longer be delayed with the deployment of a few 'security' frigates.''

''What is your plans regarding Palpatine's map and the new planets I was granted?'' I asked her.

''I have none, my lord. I follow your instructions and if necessary, improve upon them. Byss has a population of 19 billion, my lord. With the Hapan stellar drills, we are able to harvest energy needed for powering reactors and turrets. Factories and shipyards are already developed. With the exception of Exegol, it's the only place where apollyon class star destroyers and sovereign class star carriers can be developed.''

''Exegol is the only location I can truly trust for project: endgame. The secrecy of that project is of utmost importance. 70% of Exegol's resources should go there. Byss can serve as the main construction centre for my new star destroyers. Every planet in known space that I own, Ziost, Akkadia, Zakuul and more are where other ships are constructed. What of Prakith?''

''Still trying our best to explore. Darth Andeddu's cult is very good at hiding. I might have to be there myself. I should be more than capable of handling him, my lord.'' Roxanna replied. ''You once told me of a lost city called Eridu in Akkadia. You named your secret shipyard that I believe. How goes the search, my lord?''

''Kore is trying her best but digging through miles underneath scorching sands is no easy task. If my assumption regarding Eridu is correct, if the city is real, then it can hold secrets to one of the first space faring civilizations and their superweapon. Kadath Station has no record for it sadly so Eridu is my best bet.'' I answered and Roxanna nodded her head and ended the transmission.

Colonel Kassus, Admiral Conrad and Sky Commander Kyse then entered my office and were... intigued by the art collection I had. ''Gentlemen, please come in.'' I said and they sat down while Colonel Kassus examined the clay tablets. ''I trust the battle went smoothly.''

''It did, sir.'' Admiral Conrad replied. ''No rebel escaped. We managed to capture high ranking officers for interrogation and the ships were obliterated.''

''Excellent work.'' I said and then turned to Colonel Kassus. ''Like the clay tablets, Colonel? They're copies of my planet's history that I bought. The one you are examining is called, 'the King's List' and besides it is epics. You can view translations on your data phone.'' I said and Colonel Kassus checked his data phone to read the translations.

''When I became part of the 17th legion, you taught me much about Akkadian culture and traditions but not it's history. You gave me just some bits, sir. I am fascinated by your planet's history and mythology so I am glad to be able to read this. It says, 'the kingship descended from heaven and the kingship was in Eridu. Alulim was king for 28,800 years. Alalgar ruled for 36,000 years. Two kings ruled in Eridu for 64,800 years.'"

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