chapter 2:name of her own

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The group gathered their bearings. Ainz decided to use <Greater Teleportation> to head to Nazarick instead of reporting to the guild, which should be worried about later. As the group was transported into the throne room, the little girl couldn't help but marvel at the wide, decorated area while Ainz and Narberal changed into their usual outfits.

"Narberal, make sure the guardians and all the others know of my return. I wish to speak with them immediately about these turns of events and ask Sebas to bring a meal down a simple sandwich will do for now. Uhh, wait, I never asked for your name. My apologies." Ainz directed his attention to the girl as Narberal bowed off to complete her task.

"Oh, that's okay. I don't have a name. The most I've been called is 'monster', but that doesn't seem like a name." The girl replied, her eyes passing over the various flags in the room.

"Well that won't do at all as your caretaker I shall fit you with a proper name," Ainz said, finally gaining the little girl's full attention.

"Really, OK, wait, what does 'caretaker' mean?" The girl cutely turned her head to the side, causing Aniz's undead heart to melt just a bit.

"Well, it's another word for a parent, in that I would be taking care of you to become," Ainz answered, sitting down on the throne.

The girl's eyes widened in awe. "So, you really want to be my papa?"

"Little one, I would be honored to be your papa, and I promise you will be safe and loved as long as you're with me," Ainz said, a feeling of forbidding grasp of his undead heart at the desperate awe that filled the little girl's voice.

'Man, I don't know what happened to her, but she's with me now, and I'll do everything in my power to make sure she has a happy life, even if I don't know a thing about taking care of kids. Man, what did I get myself into?' Aniz let out a sigh as he thought for a few more minutes.

"Now, about that name, I've put much thought into it, but how about Erika...Erika Ooal Gown, just like mine, Ainz Ooal Gown." The girl ran over to hug him, gripping the bottom of his robe, a smile never faltering from her face.

"I like it, but I thought your name was Momo." The newly appointed Erika looked down a little embarrassed thinking she had already forgotten her new father's name. Aniz let out a quick, hearty laugh before calming down just as quickly.

He picked Erika up, placing her on his lap before speaking. "It's Momon, and yes, that is also my name, but it is one I use for adventuring. Same for Nabe; her name is Narberal."

As the two continued talking to each other the two never noticed the floor guardians and Pleiades entered until Sebas was beside them presenting a covered tray.

"My lord the sandwich for the little one."

"Ahh yes thank you Sebas now for the reason I called you here today."

"Yes Lord Ainz are you going to tell us who this little one on your lap is?" Albedo asks to walk up to stand next to the throne.

" I was getting to that, this is Erika, and have decided to make her my daughter and heiress of Nazarick," Aniz announced.

The room was silent for only just a few moments before erecting into loud cheers of approval. Albedo along with the other members bow before the two. Erika tilts her head in confusion wondering why they were bowing but before she can ask Albedo begins to speak.

"We the floor guardians and protectors of Nazarick swear our lives to the new hair to the throne. We strive to protect you and follow you onward to the days that you may reign. This we vow."

"This we vow." The others repeat.

" Thank you for your kind words, does this mean that you're my family too just like Papa." Erika

" There is no need to thank us. We live to serve and if the young mistress wants to see us as a family we would be most honored."  Demiurge states gaining Erika's full attention for the first time since entering the throne room. Erika examines the tained demon taking notice of his round sunglasses and pressed orange stripe suit but most importantly...

"YOU HAVE A TAIL JUST LIKE ME!!!" Erika shouts as jumps off of Ainz's lap to run towards Demigure to get a closer look.

"Would it be ok if I touched it? I never saw anyone else with a tail. Oh wait, you know my name but I don't know any of yours." Erika asked, looking worried that she said the wrong thing as Demiurge stayed silent for a moment before his grin widened.

"Of course, I would be delighted if you examined my tail young mistress My name is Demiurge, guardian of the 7th floor," Demiurge says thrilled that Erika's first interaction was with him much to the other guardian's ire.

"Yes introductions are in order but first Narberal I want to take one of the smaller imps and turn them into the adventurers guild during all of the commotion I had forgotten we had a quest that needed to be finished. If they ask for my whereabouts, tell them I had other business to attend to." Ainz directs.

" As you wish Lord Ainz," Narberal says before leaving to complete her task.

Ainz returns his focus to the other occupants in the room, only to see them clamoring around Demiurge, giving Erika their own unique and over-the-top introductions. Erika is swinging on Demiurge's tail, who seems all too pleased with the current interaction.

Ainz let out a pleased huff as he watched Erika laugh at whatever argument Albedo and Shalltear started up again.

' Erika I may not know the first thing about being a parent but I promise you'll never be alone again, not as long as we're here to guide you.' Ainz for a moment becomes lost in thought before joining the others hoping to at least be able to put Erika to bed without any problems.

" Papa Ms.Albedo says you two are going to be married one day and that you're going to have tons more babies. Is that true? She also said other things but I couldn't hear them because Mr.Demiurge covered my ears." Erika asked with an excited but tired air about her.

Ainz shocked pauses, unable to respond before a green light flashed around him. " Let's get you off to bed, it's been a long night after all."

'OK first rule of parenting: make sure Erika stays at least somewhat pure before at least the of forty.' Was Ainz's last thought as night came to an end.

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