Chapter 15:Meet the Lizardmen

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Just like Ainz had said it was only a few days close to a week before the two were called back to Nazarick. For what Erika did not know. But what she noticed was once they had entered the throne room she had spotted a new form floating among the bowing Guardians and instantly wanted to know what and whom they were.

Before she could ask who the new person was, her Papa spoke. "Thank you for assembling so quickly my loyal Guardians. Victim come forth, take a moment to introduce yourself to the others."

The small pink form slowly turns to the other Guardians. "It is a pleasure to meet you all. I'm Victim."
They chimed softly Erika's eyes widened she didn't really expect for them to speak but

"They sound so cute!" She whispered to herself though it seemed Victim had heard her words because they made a soft chirping noise as they turned back to face the two.

"I am happy that you find my voice pleasing Lady Erika." Victim replied.

"Yes well though you guard the Eighth Floor, that is not the reason I've called you here." Ainz said, regaining Victim's attention. "We have yet to identify Shalltear's powerful assailant. I doubt we have seen the last of them, and must consider future incidents. Therefore, to protect all the Guardians, ourselves, and Nazarick I must use a powerful skill that is only invoked by your death."

"What, why do they have to die?! Papa you can't just kill friends! How would you make more if you just kill them?!" Erika glared up at her papa, eyes showing panic and anger. She had just meet Victim; she couldn't let them die, it would be wrong.

"Don't worry my little flame, I will bring them back to life right away. Please don't be angered, it's the only way to activate their skill." Ainz responded quickly, trying to appease Erika's anger.

"Hmmp, okay but I won't like it. As long as you bring them back I guess it's okay."

"Please do not let it bother you, Lady Erika death is my purpose. What I was born for. If dying would be of use to a Supreme Being and the Tomb as a whole, nothing would give me greater joy." Victim added they felt a kind of joyful warmth at the fact that their lady cared so much about them even though they had just met.

"I would rather that everyone try to live for Nazarick than be so willing to die though." Erika muttered upset by the way Victim spoke about themselves. The other Guardians could only smile at the worried tone in Erika's voice. It brought all of them great joy to hear that they had so much concern about their safety.

"I couldn't agree more, little one. There is a motto that my guild mates often lived by. Greater love hath no man this, that he lay down his life for his friends." Ainz spoke in a voice taking on almost a wise tone. "Truly a sublime expression. One that bodies you well, Victim." Erika narrowed her eyes as she looked up at her Papa that still sounded sacrificial but she decided not to call him out on it.

"Your words are more than I deserve." Victim wiggled around in happiness.

Erika could only sigh at the sight. 'Well at least they seem to enjoy it.'

"Next up Demiurge." Ainz continued, "First allow me to honor you always answer my calls with haste."

"Uncle Demiurge is always good at his job. I think he deserves a strawberry cake, don't you think Papa?!" Erika beamed with excitement as she thought about the possibility of eating her favorite cake before her scheduled snack time which she had noticed was coming up soon so maybe she could sneak two cakes.

"Hmm maybe later we still have much to discuss." Ainz agreed internally, smiling at the little dance Erika was doing at the thought of cake.

"You are too generous, my lords. It is only expected of me just as it is all for all your humble servants." Demiurge's tail thumping the ground was the only show of how truly happy he was to receive so much praise from his Lord and Lady.

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