Chapter Six: A New Friend

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"Sounds good!" A voice shouted back startling Erika who in turn threw a fireball at the offending voice.

"Ah hold on it me!" Looking up, the three spotted Aura clinging to a tree staring down at the singed branch next to her feet.

"Ahhh big sister Aura I almost hurt you!" Erika yelled in distress and everyone could hear the tears in her voice. Ainz picked her up, holding her close in silent comfort.

"Ahh no I'm fine Lady Erika, see I'm the one who should apologize for scaring you. You did the right thing by following your instincts. I could have been anyone." Aura jumps down to reassure Erika that she was okay, panicking at the thought of her mistress being upset over a mistake on her part. Looking up from the crook of her Papa's armor Erika inspects Aura closely only calming down once she deemed her appointed big sister okay. Ainz beatha sigh of relief 'Crisis averted.'

"Lady Aura, I did sense your presence. How long were you here?" Narberal asked, hoping that a sudden conversation would help her mistress calm down.

"Oh I've been here since you three entered the forest. So let me guess I need to find this Wise King of the forest and send your way that could be of use right." Aura started catching Erika's attention as tilted her head eyes glowing with a sudden interest in the topic.

"Correct , you up for it ?" Ainz asked as he rubbed Erika's back in a soothing motion.

Aura gives a quick salute. "Consider it done , I think I may know where it's making its nest."

"Excellent, we're counting on you Aura." Ainz shouted

"Ok see ya, bye Lady Erika." Aura waves before taking off into the forest.

"What are you planning to do my lord?" Narberal asked

"I am planning to fight the Wise King of course to spread rumors about our strength across the kingdom." Ainz explained

"Your not going to kill him are you Papa? " Erika looked at Ainz with a hint of worry on her face. She didn't want her Papa to hurt an innocent creature.

"Of course not after words I will let him free or we could keep him as a pet he could be of use to us." Ainz reassured his daughter who nodded accepting his answer.The three rejoined the group to head deeper into the forest.


Everything was going smoothly the group was keeping watch as Nfirea and Erika were picking herds. She had decided to ask Nfirea about the surrounding plants in the area and the harvesting soon turned into a harvesting/ botany lesson. She caught on very quickly much to Nfirea's enjoyment. The afternoon of peace was soon brought to an end due to the offsetting sound of the panic scattering of birds in the distance.

"Something is heading our way." Luke informs everyone lowering his head towards the ground to gauge the distance of the threat.

"We'll handle it, you all leave for safety." Ainz reassured Erika running towards him ready to face the creature head on.

"Mr.Momon try not to push yourself ok you as well Iris." Nfirea says.

"Right now go." Ainz tells them Erika just gives a firm nod still out into the forest they soon take off after the confirmation. It takes Erika a minute but she realizes that something was missing.

"Papa didn't you need them to spread rumors?" She asked, looking up at her Papa in confusion. Ainz palms his helmet at his mistake.

"Why did I say that? I'm just going to have to provide proof then, maybe I should cut off one of its legs." Ainz ponders as he and Neberal step forward to take on the fast approaching beast, the dust cloud growing closer. Erika lets out a loud gasp before pulling on her Papas cape.

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