Chapter 18:Erika's day out pt1

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It was quite too quiet. That's how Erika had woken up from her nap. Slipping out of bed she crept into the hallway wondering why no one had woken her up for dinner yet.

"It has three venereal diseases including syphilis, several cracked ribs and the tendons in its right arm and left leg have been torn. There's also a possibility that it's addicted to some kind of drug in addition there are multiple bruises and lacerations-" Erika noted the sound of Solutions voice listing off all the problems that could only belong to the woman they had brought in but she was cut off.

"Can she be treated?" Sebas asked

" Easily but I don't think our lady should come in contact with something so dirty. Honestly I can't believe you agree to bring it with you."

Erika opened the door not caring about poor manners at that moment. A look of surprise across both adults' faces they obviously thought that she was still asleep. She gave Solution a fierce glare. "Grandpa had no say in whether I brought that lady home with me or not. It was a choice that I wanted so there would be no arguing.Now about her injuries I don't think I can heal all of that but I can try. I'm going to need help."

"I believe we have healing scrolls that we can use, my lady."

Solution gave Sebas a glare. "But lord Sebas those scrolls were graciously provided by the Supreme One to serve his purposes. Would it not be sinful to use them on a lowly human."

"My papa sent those down here in case of an emergency of any kind and I'm deciding that this is an emergency so please help me heal her."

"As you wish lady Erika."

"Grandpa, could you prepare the food and bring it to the woman's room? I would like to eat there." Erika asked. Sebas bowed leaving to prepare the food while Solution lead her to the woman's room.

Upon closer inspection she found the wounds to be a lot worse than what she had thought. " With what you've told me and what I'm seeing now. I don't know how much of it I can fix by myself, especially when I didn't recognize any of the words you were saying."

"It's alright lady Erika I'm sure with your great power this thing will be better than it was before you saved it."

"I hope so papa did tell me that my spells were all over powered so this will help support that theory. Hopefully my test on this spell won't hurt. [Light Healing]"

Just like the first time she used this spell a bright light protruded from her hand brightening the dark room and blinding Solution. Squinting her eyes, Solution marveled at the speed of which the wounds were healing. It didn't take long for the woman's skin to reveal its milky complexion as bones were heard snapping back into place.

Erika smiled at her work feeling proud of herself for healing the wounds fully. "Wonderful work my lady. I wouldn't expect no one other than you to pull off such a feat with a minor healing spell."

"Thanks but you said she was sick, we still need to heal that. It's best to use the scroll since I don't have a spell for that. Maybe I can find one at the magicians guild tomorrow when me and grandpa go to the cafe tomorrow." As Erika pondered over the possibility of finding different spells for her to play with, Solution quickly used the scroll to finish the woman's healing process.


There was a knock at the door, Sebas opened the door holding a tray with two bowls of something she couldn't see but she didn't care about that what caught her attention was the medium size strawberry cake he was balancing on top of the bowls. She had been sitting with the blonde woman quietly having a one-sided conversation alone for a while. Erika had noticed how tense she was with Solution in the room so she had told the slime woman to leave to see if she would open up.

Overlord: Little MistressOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora