Chapter 17:A normal day with grandpa

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"Now I've packed all of your favorite clothes and have already sent them to Sebas. When you get there I want you to listen to him and Solution and please for my sanity don't go wandering on your own without an adult. Is there anything else that I'm forgetting?" Ainz rambles as he gets Erika ready to leave for the Re-Estize Kingdom's Royal Capital to meet up with Sebas and Solution in a home they had acquired. Erika sighs, tapping her foot impatiently as she watches her papa pace, back-and-forth as he goes over yet another mental list. It wasn't just him though she had gone through the same process with all of the Guardians; her auntie Albedo and uncle Demiurge had even given her weapons ,a small battle mace and a dagger respectively, to which her papa promptly confiscated.

"Oh! Papa bear will also be there as well. I know how hard it is to sleep without him. When you leave the house make sure to always wear your necklace. And don't try to convince Sebas to change what you have for snack time; you have a set meal plan that he was ordered to stick to. If a stranger offers you sweets in order to follow them, run a get Sebas or burn them alive if they try to touch you in the areas we've talked about also-" Ainz's rant was cut off by Erika's shout of exasperation. She had hoped into her papa's path stopping him mid pace as she gave him a fierce glare.

"Papa, I get it already! All of you have been saying the same thing over and over again! Can I just go already? I feel like I've been waiting fooooooreverrrr!" Erika pouted, stomping her foot to insinuate her impatience.

Ainz sighed before he bent down to one knee so he could properly bring her in for a hug. "I know." He whispers softly. "I'm just worried is all we all are. That's what happens when you are a part of a family. You and the twins are the only children inside of Nazarick. So it's only natural."

Erika wanted to bring up that Aura and Mare leave Nazarick all the time without this much worry but decided to hold it in. "I'll be okay papa, I can handle anything and if I can't handle it then grandpa and Ms.Solution will be there."

Ainz chuckled as he brought Erika into a tighter embrace internally cursing his lack of lips as the urge to kiss her forehead like any other parent arose. He huffed as he got up. "Alright then let's get you on your way before I change my mind." With a wave of his hand a purple portal opened in front of them.


Exiting the portal Erika was met with Sebas and Solution waiting patiently on the other side in the entryway of the large home. Erika gave the two a big smile as she ran up to greet the two as the portal closed . "Grandpa, Ms. Solution I missed you so much!"

"Lady Erika, it is nice to see you as well , my it's only been a month look how you've grown." Sebas said as he bowed, giving her a loving smile. It was true she had grown an inch or two. She was glad someone had noticed.

"Yeah and I'm soooo strong. When me and papa were training, I burned the entire field! He says that my flames are getting stronger every day!" Erika puffed up her chest as she told the two of her accomplishments to which Sebas and Solution both applauded.

"That is wonderful to hear my lady!" Solution praised.

"It is indeed." Sebas added leaning down, giving her head a little pat before continuing. " Lady Erika, I have some errands to run in the city. Would you like to accompany me? It is almost snack time if you like there is a nice cafe there that you would love."

"Yeah! I just have to go get my necklace. Also when I have my necklace on it's Iris okay papa doesn't want anyone to know my real name. I'm an adventurer who is visiting my grandpa." Erika's excited smile turned into a stern look as she told Sebas something that was already probably reiterated to him one too many times before she dragged Solution upstairs to show her the room she would be staying in. She wanted to wear her pretty blue jumper dress with her baby blue long sleeve shirt and cloak dress today.

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