Chapter 21:Saving Tsuare

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She was angry. How could this happen after her papa had promised her safety?  Erika had given both Wayland and Aspen a rushed goodbye, paying for the satchels and loading up all the items she bought for herself in one while giving the other to Aspen. The two wanted her to explain what was happening and if they could help but she just shook her head. "It's a mission I have to take care of myself."

The two shuddered at her dark tone, almost taking a step back but they steeled themselves. "If someone is in trouble you'll need help. I used to be an adventurer myself." Wayland tried to persuade her but she shook her head once more.

"If it's my safety you're worried about. I have my Grandpa with me. He is just as strong as Papa." Her voice may have been full of reassurance but her eyes spoke of fiery vengeance and pain. These were emotions that unnerve Wayland to see them portrayed on a little girl. "Besides, you should stay here and protect Aspen and your shop. I have a feeling that something bad is going to happen."

Erika quickly left with Sebas following closely behind leaving the two worried.


"I must offer my gratitude to you and Lord Ainz, my lady. I did not expect this much support from the Tomb." Seas said facing the group that consisted of Shalltear, Mare, Demiurge, and the Pleiades.

Erika stared up from the place she claimed on the couch, her staff in her hand."There's no gratitude needed. Papa and I promised Tsuare that she would be safe and these people made me into a lair by taking my friend." She then let out an exasperated sigh. "Besides, Papa wouldn't let us go alone and said it was too dangerous. They have a whole plan set out so Uncle Demiurge is in charge."

Demiurge bowed in acknowledgment, tail swishing as he did so. "Yes, well your safety is of the utmost importance to all of Nazarick." He smirked. "If you have any objections to the Supreme One's decision, voice them now please."

"No, of course not," Sebas said.

"Then I hope you're not under any mistaken impressions. We assembled to cull Eight Fingers from existence. They've spit on the collective faces of the Supreme Ones and Lady Erika with their brazen actions and must be dealt with accordingly." Erika sat up a bit straighter as she listened to her uncle's words.

'Who are Eight Fingers? Are they the ones that took Tsuare?' Her mind was reeling; the first thing that came to mind was the two hooded figures that attacked her and Aspen. They had to be a part of Eight Fingers; it would make sense that they were adamant about destroying them. Her mind then traveled to the many people she saw being arrested and escorted away with safety blankets covering their bare bodies. Her grandpa found an Eight Fingers base and seemed to be really shady. Considering the state they had found Tsuare in she wouldn't care if the lot of them died if that is what they were doing to people.

"I understand perfectly. Rescuing Tsuare is insignificant next to avenging Ainz Ooal Gown." Sebas said. Erika didn't like what was said but she kept it to herself as long as they were still going to save Tsuare nothing else said would matter. Plus she knew her grandpa didn't mean it entirely so it was ok.

Demiurge smiled. "Now that that's clear, please know io
that I also hope for Tsuare's safe return. Should the poor thing parish, I doubt her body could withstand the intense strain of resurrection."

Everyone tensed as a low growl filled the room. The group's gaze darted to Erika's tiny frame. She tightly gripped her staff as she tried to quell her anger. "Tsuare is not dying. Not if I have anything to do with it. Now do you have a plan for finding these Eight Fingers?"

Demiurge just grinned seemingly pleased with Erika's reaction. "There is no need for such a plan my Lady. I've already attained information on several of their bases. Sorry Sebas, but you do not need to know. The success of our plan relies on compartmentalizing certain components. Once Tsuare is safe you will return to Nazarick while Lady Erika will meet with Lord Ainz. The rest will be left to us."

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