Chapter 22:Unc- I mean Jaldabaoth

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The group made a record time getting to the palace. Mostly because Brain offered Erika a ride on his shoulders when the three men noticed her lagging. Once they made it into the palace they were escorted to a meeting room filled with adventurers and city soldiers. Erika couldn't help but play with Brain's long hair as she searched the room for her papa and Narberal.

"Excuse me but I believe that is my daughter who is on your shoulders." The group tensed at the deep voice behind them. Turning around the group was met with a large man in black armor and a red cape, a beautiful woman with long black hair in a high ponytail and brown cloak, and a small woman in a full-length red cloak and a porcelain mask shuffling from behind the armor-plated man.

Erika looked at the woman standing too close to her papa with wide eyes before they filled with tears. "Papa, are you replacing me?!" She wailed, surprising those around her.

"WHAT! Where did you get that idea from my little one? I would never do such a thing." Ainz's voice was full of panic. What had he done now to invoke this type of reaction?

"You brought someone else with you and she's so close to you she's even holding on to your cape. Only I do that." The masked woman and Ainz looked down at her hand that was still rubbing the edges of his cape. The woman let out a loud eep as she released the cloth jumping a few steps back as she profusely apologized.

"Lady Iris I'm sure your father wouldn't replace you. The masked woman you see already has an adventuring team she's Evil-eye from Blue Rose. She was with two members of her group when she left." Climb quickly explained to the sniffling girl who was quickly moved from Brain's shoulders to Ainz's awaiting arms. "Hey Evil-eye, where are Gagaran and Tia?"

The now-named evil-eye snapped out of her embarrassment, giving a light cough to compose herself. " Gagaran and Tia are resting up right now. We were attacked by an insectoid monster and their master. They needed to be revived. I was lucky that Lord Momon was there to save me or I would have been next." The group gazed over at Ainz who was quietly murmuring things to Erika as she laid her head on his shoulder, hand gripping his cape. Even with a little girl cuddled into the nape of his neck the man still looked like an imposing force deserving of his title Raven Black Hero even their companion the beautiful mage Nabe had an aura to her that screamed power. The men had already taken notice of the mage princess Iris's power shuddering as they remembered the chard body as they left the six arms base.

Everyone's inspection of the powerhouses before them was cut short when Princess Renner and Lakyus entered the meeting room. All conversation was brought to a hush as Princess Renner gathered everyone around a giant map on the large oval table. "Good and brave adventures thank you for coming together so quickly. We face a dire crisis. Earlier this morning a wall of flames sprang up around this area cutting off this section of the city." She pointed to the red-circled portion of the map. "However these flames are similar to an illusion and seem to cause no harm to those who come in contact with them."

"It is true I touched it with my own hand. It didn't feel hot to the touch. I could pass clear to the other side without any issue." Lakyus confirmed.

Erika gave the blond woman a confused look as she lifted her head from her papa's shoulder. "Why would she test the flame wall to see if it would burn her?" She whispered to her papa who was equally perplexed by the woman's boldness to test the flames.

"However there appears to be a horde of low-level demons protecting the area." The Princess continues, "The ringleader has identified himself as Jaldabaoth. He is an extremely fiendish and powerful demon. And many creatures of power are serving under him."

"How powerful are we talking here?" An adventurer asked.

"Two of the members of Blue Rose, the warrior Gagaran and the thief Tia, were killed. And he did it with just one blow." Evil-eye's clarification set the entire room to erupt into chaos.

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