Chapter 31: Meet the Emperor

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I'm not going to lie during my time away I've written about 15,000 words for three different stories. And only 5,000 is for this one. I also had and art kick! Fun times! I'm sorry if this took too long but here it is.  Tell me if you're excited about the movie or not!❤️

Their speedy return led the two to the throne room where they found Ainz and Albedo going over the recent events displayed on the holographic screens. Ainz looked up, swiping the screens away when he heard the opening of the throne room doors.

"Ah Erika there you are! You were gone for quite some time. I was beginning to wonder if you were having trouble coming to an agreement with Shalltear on what to do with the mage." He said as he motioned for Erika to come closer.

Erika shook her head as she walked towards Ainz. "Everything went fine, there was no need for Auntie Shalltear to follow us. I had everything under control." She said as she climbed into Ainz's lap with his help.

"Oh and how did you decide to deal with the girl?" Ainz asked

"I told Auntie Shalltear to keep her. She was only here because she needed money to help her sisters which is sad but we couldn't just let her go. So her only option is to stay here because just killing her isn't a punishment."

"I couldn't agree more my little flame what an excellent decision it was." Erika puffed up at his words only to deflate just as quickly when he continued. "But it brings us to the topic of you not being in your room when you were instructed to."

Erika only stared at her papa defiantly as his grip tightened around her. Luckily no argument could start due to the entrance of Entoma. "Excuse me Lord Ainz, Lady Erika I'm sorry to interrupt but Lady Aura and Lord Mare are ready to depart."

Erika gave the insectoid maid a confused look. Firstly her voice was different; it sounded exactly like the half-elf archer. Secondly, what did she mean by Aura and Mare were ready to depart? Where were they going?

Before she could voice her questions Ainz had spoken. "Very well we shall see, them off."

"Surely you can't be happy to hear that thief's voice," Albedo says as Ainz stands up holding Erika close to his chest. Erika's eyes widened at the information that she was right. She could have sworn that she wanted Evil-eye's voice so what changed?

"On the contrary, I'm quite pleased." Ainz said, "I was the one who suggested she take the girl's voice."

"Wait so if you have the half elf's voice does that mean she is dead?" Erika asked she wasn't angry if it turned out the woman was dead but it felt too easy. They took out too many of the lower-level guards for a quick death to be warranted.

"No, my lady it was a rather quick extraction that we had quickly healed. Right now the half-elf was sent to feed Gashokukochuuou and his family along with her mate." Entoma answered.

Erika nodded and she guessed that those two becoming servants Gashokukochuuou was a good punishment.


The twins were apparently going back to the Empire to gain a meeting with the Emperor over the current home invasion. Erika had waved them off as they left on a DRAGON!!! She didn't know Aura had a dragon, that was something she would have to talk about.

After seeing the twins off Erika immediately put to bed without the apparent talk her papa wanted to give her. It truthfully made both her and Bob suspicious. But if she's not going to be punished for leaving her room she wasn't going to bring it up. Maybe seeing how well she handled things he decided to forgive her. Erika smiled, fell asleep, and snuggled up to Bob. 'I knew he could never be mad at me.'

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