Chapter 11: Bloody valkyrie

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She was nervous that Erika knew for certain as she sat on the couch with the floor Guardians. After gaining her new staff she had to reluctantly say goodbye to her Papa. He had given one last hug reassuring her that everything would work out before summoning Aura and Mare to join him for a side mission and quickly sending them back to Nazarick.

Now she is sitting in a meeting room staring at the Mirror of Remote Viewing with Albedo and Cocytus waiting for Demiurge to arrive.

"I have returned. Now then care to tell me what's going on?" Erika felt the spot next to her dip looking up and noticed Demiurge's calculating stance was hiding his deeper frustration with the situation.

"You already know the answer to that. Everything Lord Ainz told me was conveyed over [Message]" she spoke in a calm tone. Her calm demeanor was suddenly broken when she noticed Erika crawl into Demiurge's lap.

"I was referring to why you let him go without support." Demiurge began to pat Erika's head, the tone in his voice losing its edge. Ever since the smaller demon came to Nazarick she's brought a sort of calmness that none of the Guardians could explain.

"It was the master's call." She gave Demiurge a harsh glare as she saw Erika snuggle further into his chest before grabbing his tail to cuddle. "I simply obeyed orders. As I hope you intend to."

"Why didn't you protest?" He snapped back. "We could have sent minions in case this was a trap. If all the Guardians fought together there isn't a force that could take us. I couldn't begin to guess the reason behind his decision. But it is obvious that Lord Ainz is lying to us. Don't pretend you didn't notice."

Albedo gave a mocking smile. "Yes it is as you say."

"Then why did you allow him to leave without support? When Lord Ainz planned to go to E-Rantel without a Guardian escort you strongly objected to it. So why would you possibly be okay with him doing the same thing now?" Demiurge just couldn't understand it and he was sure Albedo was being vague just to piss him off.

"Papa said he had to do it himself and that he will be fine. Plus he said he would teach me new magic and how to use my staff so he has to come back." Erika said, startling the two out of their most one-sided argument. "So stop fighting or else you'll make Papa really upset when he comes back."

The two calmed anger slowly turning into regret as Erika hugged Demiurge's tail in a vice grip with tears threatening to burst from her eyes. Demiurge sighed as he brought his young mistress into a hug. "I apologize if my words have upset you, my Lady. I just worry about Lord Ainz's planning.I can't just sit idly by and watch his potential demise."

"His pure determination was intense." Albedo said her tone shifted into one of dazed amazement as she thought back on Ainz's words to her. "And as a woman, seeing my love so resolute I simply couldn't bring myself to oppose my dear Lord Ainz. Besides it is as our dear Lady Erika says he promised he would return to us. I know I'm my heart he will do just that."

"So you have made your decision based on emotion instead of logic. Did you forget he is one of the last of the Supreme Beings that created us? It is our duty to keep him from danger. Even if that danger comes from his own actions. He may scold or even kill us for it but we must do something." He quickly stood up, placing Erika in his seat before attempting to leave only to be met with Cocytus's halbert in his path.

"I see now why you ordered me to meet you here the moment I arrived. This was your plan from the beginning." Demiurge spoke with annoyance rising in his voice.

"You are correct." Albedo smiled as she brought a confused Erika into her lap.

"You're a fool, what if Lord Ainz parishes as a result folly? Are you prepared to face the consequences of that outcome?" He questioned. "Once he's gone Lady Erika would be the only one left to rule. A child of her age is not ready to take on the responsibilities of a kingdom let alone the loss of a father so soon!"

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