Chapter five: welcome in

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"That day will never come!" Ainz harshly growls out as to not awaken his sleeping daughter.  "Excuse me I should be putting Iris to bed ,Nabe and I shall eat over there."  Ainz cradles Erika in his arms as he and Narberal part from the group leaving behind a heavy atmosphere for the morning.


The next morning Erika woke up to the tense atmosphere. She didn't know what happened but tried to ease the tension a little bit. While on the move again she asked Dyne to teach her the healing spell he used the other day with her papa's approval the group enjoyed Erika's dermanation to learn the spell without a body to heal. Narberal offered to provide one via a " subtly"  advancing Luke but was quickly shot down by Ainz. Some more time passed Erika began to get irritated at the lack of progress she was making and the fact the normally active group was more dull.

"This is dumb I can't get it, Mr.Dyne what does this spell feel like?" Erika whined and turned her attention towards Dyne.

" Well it's less of a feeling and more of a want." Dyne explained calmly.

"Huh ?" Erika tilts her head in confusion.

"Ok say if your papa or Ms.Nabe were hurt you what would you do?" Dyne continues .

"I would want to make them better just like how Papa makes me feel better." Erika muttered slowly, understanding what Dyne was telling her.

"Yes, so you take that feeling and use it for any healing or defense spells." Dyne exclaimed a bit lord that his simple explanation was helpful to her.

Erika closed her eyes concentrating on the feeling of wanting to be stronger to protect her new family. The group watched in awe as her hands began to glow a bright green light. They noticed that the spell appeared to be stronger than the normal low tier healing spell because the slight fatigue they felt from walking washed away leaving them refreshed.

"That was great, Iris." Ninya praised giving a tiny whoop of encouragement.

"Yeah you even managed to get rid of my fatigue, that's amazing." Peter agreed.

"I did it ? I DID IT DID SEE THAT PAPA HUH!!!" Erika shouted moving to the back of the wagon towards her Papa and  Naberal.

"I did my little one, you did such a good job." Ainz spoke softly, giving her head a pat. Erika released a giggle chest tightening with the feeling of accomplishment.

'Wow she was learning a low tier spell but managed to make it stronger than it's supposed to be. Her power scaling amazes me every time.' Ainz his hollow chest feeling with pride.

"Yes Ms.Iris is only natural that you would complete such a spell so quickly. Shall we try a stronger spell that is to your liking." Naberal suggested gaining Erika's attention at the prospect of learning a fun spell.

"YEAH!!!" She shouted in agreement.

"Absolutely not you two we are traveling there is no need to learn any such spells at the moment when not in a safe location."

As time passed the Swords of Darkness began to become comfortable around the three once more apologizing for something that went over her head entirely but as long as everyone was happy and joking again she was okay.

"Hmm, this area has quite the scenery. It's got such a znice atmosphere. Why not just relax and enjoy?" Luke pipes up, turning to the rest of the group.

"It's important to be on guard?" Peter rejects the proposal.

"He's right, carelessness gets you killed."Dyne agrees.

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