Chapter 10:New big brother

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Erika tried to run towards Bob but the faceless man quickly snatched her up by the back of her dress, bringing her to his blank face. Bob let out a cry of anger before charging in to free his summoner diving in for a fierce peck only for the man to catch him mid attack. Bob struggled to release himself but the hand only tightened forcing him to stop. Letting out a pain filled chirp Bob plopped himself on the ground feeling slightly defeated.

"Let us go, you're hurting Bob, you big meanie!" Erika shouted as she swung herself trying to land a kick on the faceless man. Now that she was really looking at him the man was less faceless and more lacking facial features. The three black voids on the man's face seemed to peer endlessly at her before lent his back in an over dramatic fashion as if appalled at her statement.

"Me a meanie I am simply doing my job and you meine dame are trespassing in the treasury of Nazarick." The man's voice sounded firm and assertive but also a bit goofy.

"Treasury, me and Bob thought it was the way out until we saw all this stuff. I didn't know we weren't supposed to be in here."

"Sehr verwirrend, meine Dame, how did you come to the conclusion that a password locked door was a way out of Nazarick?"

"I don't know, I just wanted to leave so I could help Auntie Shalltear."

The man gently places Erika on the ground letting go of Bob's beak to adopt a thinking pose. Erika walked over to console her sulking flame bird looking up at the weird man. 'I thought I was in trouble so what gives isn't he going to take me to uncle Demiurge or auntie Albedo?'

"Would I be correct in assuming you are the young Lady Erika that my glorious creator has taken as his child?"

"Yeah I am, what do you mean by creator though that's a word everyone keeps using but I don't get it."

"Hmm how does one explain- , ah yes everyone in Nazarick was made or created by the Supreme ones for one purpose to serve. The glorious Lord Momonga is the one who breathed life into my very existence!"

"So that makes Papa your Papa too, you're my big brother!" She says with excitement

"Oh Der Große Bruder what a glorious title bestowed upon me by my kind Lady Erika!" He shouted pretending to faint on a couch she had just taken notice of.

Following her now dubbed new older brother she giggled at his theatrics as she leaned forward to poke his cheek. "If we're siblings you don't have to call me Lady Erika just call me Erika silly or little sister."

"Alright then meine kleine schwester then tell me why you are so determined to help Shalltear when our vater has everything handled." He spoke with a serious tone as he sat up picking her up and placing her next to him.

Erika looked down not wanting to look at her new brother knowing a scolding when she hears one. "I really want to help but Papa said I wasn't strong enough. He said the same thing when he fought that lady in the graveyard too. If I could help Auntie Shalltear maybe he won't see me as weak anymore."

She glared up at Pandora, eyes full of childish defiance as she continued, "I've made it this far on my own strength so why won't he let me show him how useful I am."

Her eyes glistened with tears as the core reason she wanted to help came forth. Yes she cared for the vampire just like she cared for all the people of Nazarick. Ever since she came to live in this grand tomb they have shown her nothing but kindness wanting nothing in return.

Pandora's actor placed a hand on her head trying to convey a feeling he could not express. "Oh kleines our vater doesn't speak these words out of malice only in a sign of care. If he doesn't want you to join him in the battle of Lady Shalltear it's not because he deems you weak but that it will pain him to see you hurt or worse."

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