96 Instinct

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"So who are you?" The worm in isolation clothes and a mask asked impatiently.

"I am."

The two of them said it at the same time.

After saying that, they looked at each other. Gu Yu's eyes were a little bad. Lu Chen was guilty, but his eyes also had an invisive decision.

Bud and Alfried looked at each other, and Bud couldn't laugh or cry: Why do you think these two are necessary? It's urgent. Both of them will be pulled away together later.

Sure enough, as he expected, the members of the male insect country waved: "Then go!"

Han Yi, the commander of the Fourth Army, was the last to arrive. As soon as he came, he saw an extra insect. He was stunned, and then he smiled and said, "Are you both blessed and enjoying the same difficulties? He is worthy of being a model husband of the empire.

This Han Yi is far less tall and strong than ordinary military insects. He looks tall and thin. He has a pair of silver-rimmed glasses on the bridge of his nose. He always smiles through a pair of lenses and looks at all the insects.

It looks like a bit of scum.

After all, Han Yi has always acted fiercely, and Duan, who interrogated criminals, is famously sinister. He has been interviewed by the military court several times. After the last Ula Star rebellion, if there was no way out, Forbos would eventually move to him for interrogation.

Gu Yu is not familiar with him, and this is even the first time we have met in a real sense.

I couldn't hear whether his words were mocking or boasting. Gu Yu didn't have time to pay attention to him. Instead, he was close to Lu Chen's ear and said in a low voice, "I knew you would come."

Lu Chen was very close to him. Hearing the words, he lowered his eyelids and looked at him carefully, but he couldn't tell whether he was really angry or not.

But Lu Chen still said, "I won't leave."

In fact, Lu Chen is also very contradictory. There was a voice in his heart, saying that he wanted to trust his family's encounter to stand alone, and he said that he would never let him act alone again and agreed to face it together.

The volume on both sides is the same, and neither side can be ignored, so Lu Chen explained in a low voice: "I trust you, encounter. But sometimes, I have to face it with you.

Otherwise, how can he be truly at ease?

Gu Yu raised his snow-white eyelashes and looked at him. When he was very close, the height difference of two centimeters between the two sides appeared. Lu Chen still looked down at him. His black eyes were as quiet as water, but they were like the deep sea that contained everything and could not be shaken.

Gu Yu squeezed his beautiful lips, and his voice was still a little cold: "If something happens to you, don't think I can forgive you again."

Lu Chen knew that this was to agree to take a step back. He unconsciously bent the corners of his lips and smiled lightly in the pan. Gu Yu, who witnessed the smile up close, was shaking for a moment.

"I know." Lu Chen said that he knew better than anyone that his family encounter was always the most powerful.

He grabbed Gu Yu's palm, pulled it to his lips, kissed the palm gently, and lowered his eyes and promised, "I'll be fine, and you won't. I promise, my lord."

The worm tide automatically opened a way to the exit for the audience to evacuate, but perhaps it was known that the safe evacuation was left by several legion commanders, and few people spoke along the way.

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