Chapter 2

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It was Sunday morning when Eda woke up in her new bed in the room, which was supposed to be her home for at least the next semester until her family decides to have mercy and allows her to return to Italy or even Turkey. Everything would be better than this place, where the sun never makes an appearance.

Eda had no idea if it was early or late because of the heavy rain outside that was making her big room look just sad. She didn't even move from her bed, lying still, thinking about the last day. And all her thoughts were occupied by one person, Serkan Bolat. 

Fifi was right, saying he was the biggest asshole in the world, and he needed just half an hour to show Eda in full extent how true this statement was. What a textbook arrogant, full-of-himself jerk! How he dared taunt her?! He didn't even know her and thought he could talk to her like that?! 

Eda hated him already. She never hated anyone in the way she hated Serkan Bolat. No guy ever entered her head as this asshole did. Eda couldn't stop thinking about his eyes, his lips, his hair, his strong jaw-line, his muscular body... No, she should stop! What was even that about? He was very attractive. That's an objective statement. It was nice to look at him, but that was all. He had an awful character and probably was witless, dumb, and uninteresting like every handsome guy she had ever met.

Eda chased the thoughts about Serkan from her head and finally decided to check the time. It was already eleven o'clock in the morning, so that meant she missed breakfast in the cafeteria. Yesterday Eda was so agitated that she didn't go to dinner and killed her hunger with two strong coffee that kept her late at night and now she skipped a meal. 

Great, not even twenty-four our here, and she started starving herself again. She was lucky no one in her family ever noticed her eating disorder. One thing less to be sent for useless therapy. She wasn't anorexic or bulimic and always looked healthy. That's why even Ceren and Fifi didn't suspect anything. Eda's problem was a very unhealthy relationship with food. She was an obsessive-compulsive eater and tended to skip meals out of laziness, stuffing herself with chocolate, killing her hunger with coffee, and ordering fast food at the end of the day. When she felt bad about her behavior she starved herself for whole day only to throw herself on sweets at night until she felt sick.

Eda had full awareness of her problems. She never denied them in front of herself. When she lived in Italy, she worked hard to start eating regular meals and thought she was past her eating problems, but here everything came back to her with double force. Now she was hungry, but the thought of going to the kitchen to prepare anything for herself repelled her. Maybe she could find something ready to eat there. It could be even frozen bread or a slice of cheese. It didn't matter, if only didn't require any effort

Eda rolled off the bed with difficulty. This place was killing any reserves of joy she had left from Italy. Eda rummaged in her suitcase. She barely had anything to wear for this weather. None of her dresses would be appropriate, and she had only one pistachio cardigan and two light jackets. She left most of her clothes in her apartment in Florence, and she didn't know when they will be delivered to her. It didn't matter too much, as nothing was appropriate for this climate. Eda took her clothes and went to Fifi's room to borrow the raincoat and boots. Her friend was out of the campus today as she went with Ferit to visit their parents in London. Ceren wasn't there too. She wrote Eda a note that she went to do laps in the swimming pool.

Eda left the suite, feeling and looking somber, and was just locking the door when she heard the last voice she wanted to hear today or ever. Her stomach jumped, probably from irritation.

"Did you just crawl out of bed?" 

She turned her head and saw no one else than Serkan Bolat smirking at her.

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