Chapter 14

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The next day, Eda found under her doors the teddy bear Serkan won for her last evening, which she left in his room when she ran from him. She took it to her room and put it on her bed. She didn't see Serkan during the breaks between any of her morning classes, and he wasn't in his usual spot during lunch. Ceren and Fifi were running late with their assignments, so they decided to skip lunch and catch up with homework, leaving Eda alone. Even Ferit and Engin were missing today. 

Eda sat by the empty table, and the next one was quickly occupied by Balca and her friends. She rolled her eyes and sat with her back to them. Her meal was disturbed by Balca's annoying voice. 

"Girls, you won't believe it. Serkan asked me out, again!." She said at loud, almost screaming. 

"Serkan Bolat?"

"How many Serkans do you know, Suzi? Of course, Serkan Bolat." Balca snorted "I told you we were getting serious when he asked me out three weeks ago. And I was with him in London lately. I'm telling you, girls. He will ask me to be his girlfriend. The bank holiday is tomorrow. Don't be surprised, when you won't see me here for the weekend."

Eda lost her apetite. She got up from the bench and went to the nearest trash bin and emptied her tray there. She promised the same fate to the teddy bear in her room.

* * *

Eda was sitting at the bench after her last afternoon class, catching up on the last rays of spring sun when Serkan sat next to her. He was dressed impeccably as always, in his signature preppy style with the jumper with the university emblem. Eda had the same jumper on, to be exact it was also his jumper, the one he lent her at the beginning of the semester when she didn't have hers, and she never gave it back.

"I'm happy you took this poor bear in. I was afraid, he would end up in the trash just like me."

"He has his last day of fun before I'm throwing him to the bin."

Serkan took his sunglasses off to look her in the eyes. "What this teddy bear did to you that you treat him that way?"

"Nothing." Eda shrugged her shoulders. "He just exists and has your name."

"You named him. Maybe you will change his name and let him live."

"No, it's too late."

"You don't even know him too well and already made your judgment."

"Are you talking about you or the bear?"


Eda got up from the bench and packed her stuff. "Maybe I don't want to know him. I've already heard and seen enough." 

She wanted to walk away from him, but Serkan got up quickly and grabbed her by the hand to stop her. "And what you heard and from who? I thought you were smart enough not to believe in everything you hear."

"It doesn't matter." Eda tried to free herself, but he pulled her to himself tighter, looking her deep in the eyes.

"All you heard was a bunch of stupid lies! And you should know that!"

"I don't care." 

Eda was so angry at Serkan's lies when she knew he was seeing a couple of girls at the same time, including her.

"But I care because I lo.."

"Stop it, Serkan!" Eda interrupted him abruptly in the middle of the word. She ignored the shadow that appeared in his eyes. "It won't work! Now you are playing nice because you want to get to my pants?"

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