Chapter 13

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Eda entered Serkan's room without knocking. It's been raining again. They couldn't go with Sirus for a walk and had breakfast outside as they usually did, so Eda was going to Serkan's room in the mornings as he was leaving the doors for her open.

She found him sitting by the desk, already dressed in his typical university attire with a perfectly ironed shirt, tie, and jumper. Eda wondered how early he must wake up to be ready at that time. She barely scrambled out of bed just five minutes ago, brushed her teeth, and came to him in her pajama.

Serkan was working on his sketches and ripping all of his previous work. Eda sat on his lap, and he stopped his work to kiss her.

"Why are you destroying this?" She asked, seeing that the project he was discarding was an Antalya hotel.

"It's not good enough." He shrugged, placing his arm around her waist.

"If that is not good enough, I don't know how you're going to top it." She leaned over his raw sketch. "You moved the building and changed the position. I will have to do my drawings again."

"So you will do that. The original project was faulty.""Like how?" Eda snorted. It was the best project she had ever seen in her life.

"The windows were aligned to the sun in the position that the east rooms would be a hell from seven to nine in the morning and the west ones from four to six afternoon. I have to find a way to shift the building and use different materials to avoid overheating in summer."

"Do you know it is neat picking, and you have to design the whole hotel from scratch?" Eda wondered if his behavior had anything to do with the phone he received yesterday afternoon, after which he went to the gym alone to vent his anger and disappeared for the rest of the evening.

She got up from his lap to scrach Sirius. "Did you spend the whole night thinking about this? You will go crazy."

"It can be done, and if it's possible, I can't ignore it."

Eda rolled her eyes and went to the bookshelf to pick up a couple of magazines to read. She pushed pilows from the nook and took one from the bed. She went to Serkan's closet to pick out the hoodie to wear over her short pajama and threw out the contents of his pencil container to find the one she was looking for.

Serkan sighed, seeing the mess she was leaving in his room, and stood up to put books on the shelf in order and collect the pillows from the floor.

"Eda, can't you put things you don't use back in the place?" He said, closing drawers in his closet and the door she had left open.

"Why is it a big deal?" Eda shrugged, taking a book from the bottom of the stack, making everything fall on purpose. She wasn't a messy person but was doing that to push Serkan on edge. She liked to make him mad. He was getting frustrated and annoyed but never snapped, and she wondered how far she would have to go to make him lose control. He had a bad temper but showed a remarkable amount of patience by now.

Serkan pursed his lips, trying to control his nerves. "I just like when everything is in order."

"Will you die if your pencils won't lie still?"

"I might. Just put it back, don't leave it lying around."

Eda could see he was getting iritated. She knew he was a perfectionist. She purposely left the doors to his desk open and sat on the nook, pushing another pillow on the floor pillow, making Serkan shoot her a murderous gaze.

"I don't know what someone did to you when you were small that you turned out so obsessive. Do you suffer from unloved son syndrome that you develop this OCD?" Eda said without thinking and stopped the moment, she saw a shocked expression in his eyes. She immediately regretted she let the first thing that came to her mind fly out of her mouth. She never had a filter. To make matters worst Serkan just stood there watching her, visibly upset after her words. He closed his eyes after a while, inhaling deeply, and turned on his heel.

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