Chapter 27

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"Noo!!!" Eda cried.

A crimson red dot that had appeared on Serkan's snow-white shirt grew bigger with every second. Serkan seemed to be surprised. He followed Eda's gaze and looked at his shirt. He touched it and saw blood on his palm. His gaze returned to Eda, and he saw horror in her eyes. 

Suddenly, everything hit him at once. The roar in his ears made his head almost explode, the sharp pain in his abdomen, and the fear. He never felt that fear in his life. He feared for Eda. If they took him out, who would be able to protect her? He promised her he would protect her from everything. He promised her so many things in their lives, and now all of this was about to end prematurely. 

He wanted to stay strong, but he felt numb. His body began to go in shock. He tried to fight back but slowly was shooting down. He couldn't tear his gaze from Eda's eyes even when he fell on his knees. She kneeled in front of him and cupped his cheeks. He could see that her beautiful lace wedding dress was red now. Eda embraced him and helped him to lay on his back. She leaned to him to kiss him, and everything went black.

* * *

"Twenty-four-year-old man shot in the abdomen less than a minute ago! There is a lot of blood!"

Engin could hear Ferit's words when he was trying to push people from his way to get to Serkan. Ferit was quicker to assess the situation and jumped to the dance floor, calling for the ambulance at the same time. When he finally made it through, he saw Serkan lying unconscious on the floor. He was pale and had blood traces around his mouth. Eda and Ferit were kneeling next to him. Crying Eda was covered in Serkan's blood and was pressing her once white long vail to Serkan's wound. Ferit was now ripping his shirt to help her, and Engin did the same. At his sight, Ferit gave him the fabric and ordered. 

"Press here! I'm going for paramedics." 

"Move! Move!" He stood up quickly and ran outside to lead paramedics in as the loud siren signal announced the arrival of the ambulance. He returned in a minute with paramedics. They carried a stretcher and ordered everybody to move from Serkan. Engin had to pull Eda from Serkan to make space for them. They quickly dressed his would and carried Serkan to the ambulance. Eda broke free from Engin's embrace and ran after them, followed by Ferit. Engin saw how he grabbed Eda's elbow to help her get to the ambulance and jumped after her. He saw how medics protested against their presence, but Ferit shut them with short. 

"She's his wife! I'm his cousin!"

* * *

"What was that? The bloody wedding? Those rich kids don't know how to party anymore? What happened there?!" Detective Burak Avci was pacing nervously through his office after he received his new assignment.

"Crazy ex went for her revenge and shot the groom." Detective Ahmed Demir answered, writing down the information from the files.

"What is wrong with those crazy bitches?! It makes me afraid of getting married if I remember my exes! And they are so young!"

"He was twenty-four and the bride twenty-one."

"Was? He didn't make it?!" Burak stopped to look at his partner, who was still immersed in his work.

"Sorry, unfortunate wording. He's in surgery right now."

"He'll better live. If he'll die, imagine what will happen here?! They gave us the worst case. Do you know who they are? We will have press camping here and at the hospital in minutes. They are going to eat us alive. With their families' profiles and what they recently did to the companies, it will be a huge scandal. We need to go to the hospital now and collect the testimonies. And this crazy ex. Her family is rich and powerful, they probably already working on how to bail her out and fly off the country. It can't happen. We have to block it."

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