Chapter 3

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Eda sighed heavily when she walked over to the bookshelf in the library and saw all her books on the top shelf. They were even tied together, so she couldn't even try to pull one as they all would fall at her. 

What was going in his head that he did it? Eda knew it was Serkan. He told her in her face that he would take her books. He must be really petty for those notes she threw out of his book.

When he even did that? Eda wondered. She was the last one to leave the library yesterday. The librarian locked the doors after her, and today she was the first one waiting for the library to open. Serkan wasn't there. Did he steal the keys? The head boy?

Eda looked around for a ladder, but suspiciously there were none in the whole building. He must have taken them too. Eda stood under the shelf, contemplating if she should climb for her books or build some kind of scaffolding. She was alone in the library. She could try different methods without anyone's interference.

"Are you looking for something?" 

The male voice whispered into her ear. Eda got startled and let out a small horrified squeak. 

Serkan was standing behind her, smirking at her. She turned to him and smacked his arm.

"That for scaring me!" She yelled, but Serkan chuckled, and his eyes sparkled with mischief. 

Eda was pissed at him, but she could not notice how handsome he looked, standing close to her in his light blue collar shirt with two upper buttons open, making his eyes appear more blue. She also she couldn't help noticing how beautiful his eyes were when they were smiling at her.

"You are squeaking like a little girl." 

Eda fisted her hands not to strangle him with her bare hands. All she wanted to do now was to wipe this smug smile from his face. She took a deep breath and closed her eyes for a second to calm herself.

"How did you get here?!" She asked, looking around. The windows were closed and couldn't be opened from the outside, and she never lost the doors from her sight. He couldn't spend the night here. Eda saw him in the evening on the grounds after the library was closed. 

"Maybe I can go through the walls." Serkan teased, and Eda gave him an annoyed look. He was holding in his hands another book she needed.

"This is my book." Eda told him dryly.

He looked innocently at his hands. "This is a library book, it's not signed. You can have it in next week."

"How old are you, Serkan, five?" 

"Twenty three, why are you asking?" He smirked at her, pretending not to know what was going on, and Eda knew he was having a lot of fun. She rolled her eyes at him and turned to the bookshelf. She would hide his books too when she'd find them.

Eda suddenly froze, and her breath hitched when she felt him lean over her and reached to the shelf, she could feel his smell, and it overwhelmed her for a second. She noticed a couple of his books on the shelf outside her arm range, so he put them there on purpose.

She turned quickly, and her sudden movement surprised him. They were so close that their noses almost touched. Eda refrained from gulping at the closeness of his lips to hers as he stood in front of her with one hand resting on the shelf next to her head.

Eda reminded herself how much she hated this asshole and regained her composure. He wasn't the only one who could provoke. She could do that to him too. Eda looked boldly into his eyes and smirked, seeing him confused for a second, she could hear his breath quickened. She smiled wider. 

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