Chapter 1: Entrance Duel (part 1)

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Here is the first chapter, hoping you will enjoy it! Don't hesitate to vote if you liked it or to comment!

Somewhere, in Domino City,

Point of view of ???

I was about to join the stands, when I saw a woman leaning against a wall. Judging by her backpack on the ground and her gray coat with the collar and pants of the same color, it had to be a midshipman. I could also see the shadow of a blue t-shirt, under the coat. With her arms crossed, she was tapping and seemed to have her eyes elsewhere. She was probably focused in her exam and, no doubt, stressed. Maybe I should say something to calm her down?

Me: Are you worried about your exam?

She cut off her thoughts and turned her gaze to me. Her ocean-blue eyes seemed so deep you could drown in them. Her fire-colored hair emphasized a rather fiery character. I wouldn't be surprised if she used a fire deck or even water. What's more, I was astonished to observe a more tanned skin than the usual students. It wasn't something we were used to seeing. I wonder what his story was.

Smiling Woman: Yes, I admit it. But it's not just that.

I looked at her, curious about this reason. And she didn't take long to give it to me.

Woman with an angry expression: I hope he won't be late again! If he gets flunked because of this, I swear I'll destroy his damn Kuriboh clump!

I smiled nervously, hearing this. Well, we can't say that she didn't lack temperament!

Me: You are worried about your friend, I see.

Woman: Of course! He's the one who taught me how to play cards, but he's so...Rahh...How to say...Careless, sometimes. I hope he didn't forget to set his alarm this morning.

Me: If you ask me, you should focus on your exam.

Woman sighing: You're probably right. I'll have plenty of time to worry about him once this one is over.

Me smiling: Don't worry about losing or winning. Just give it your best shot.

She smiled at me, her eyes seeming to sparkle with joy and anticipation this time.

Woman: You're right. By the way, my name is Selya

Me smiling: Nice to meet you. I'm Alexia.

Announcement: Selya Yavani, your presence is required in ring number 4.

Selya: Ah, looks like it's my turn.

Me: Good luck!

She picked up her bag and gave me a smile.

Selya: Thank you.

With that, she ran towards the examination area. This strange character caught my interest. So did her friend with hair like Kuriboh. I tried to imagine this and saw an individual with a bush so big that he couldn't see. No...It was probably an image she was giving. So I hurried to the stands, curious to see the performance of the new students.


Selya's point of view:

I soon reached my assigned ring. A man with sunglasses hiding his eyes and a crimson blue uniform was waiting for me.

Examiner: Applicant Selya Yavani, I am the one who will examine your performance. I hope you will give your best.

Me smiling: I don't plan to live with regrets, sir!

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