Chapter 13: Hand- Set-Duel!

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Hi, we're back with a tennis match. Well, almost. Don't forget we're in YU-GI-Oh! Don't hesitate to vote if you like it or comment!

Selya's point of view

I took advantage of the winter vacations to visit my family. It was a great time, spending the days with Father watching cartoons, drawing or dueling. Or going for walks. It was a relaxing vacation, although I did get a few reprimands for my behavior during Crowler's class.

Father: I hope you've learned your lesson, my little warrior. Not everything can be solved by head-butting. Sometimes you have to show restraint.

Me: Yes, Dad.

Father: I hope so. I don't want to hear any more stories like that. Have I made myself clear?

He rarely reprimanded us. But when he did, it wasn't half-hearted. I wasn't punished, because he felt the Academy's punishment was appropriate. And it's a good thing Mother was busy on a trip, because I couldn't have imagined the reprimand I would have received. Now we were back and had a tennis lesson. I wondered what good it would do, but hey. I wasn't against a bit of sport. I teamed up with Alexia against other students and we were doing pretty well. Leading 2 sets to 0, so far. Suddenly, I heard a warning shout from Jaden and my partner had just time to turn her gaze to see a ball hurtling towards her. Too fast to react. Fortunately, a silhouette emerged from the shadows and deflected the bullet with a well-placed racket stroke. And the shot finally landed, towards Crowler, who caught it on the eye.

Me: Alexia, are you all right?

Alexia: Yes.

I turned my gaze to the man who had saved her and found a perfect cliché of a handsome boy. A young, well-groomed face with long, well-groomed brown hair. Oh, please... Not the stupid charm routine... I soon noticed the harpies arriving, asking this one if all was well

Young man: How are you? Nothing broken?

And he grinned his stupid playboy grin, his teeth so white they sparkled.

Alexia: Yes, thank you very much for your help.

Me: Why don't you ask the guy you just shot in the face?

But I immediately noticed that he was elsewhere, not listening to me. He didn't seem to take his eyes off Alexia.

Me: Hey, I'm talking to you!

But nothing happened. Calm down, Selya... Then I saw her cheeks flush. I laughed when my friend asked her the same question. Well done, Alexia! On the other hand, his clumsy attempt at flirting showed that he wasn't used to falling for a girl. Alexia, Jaden and Syrus stared at him in confusion.


Alexia's point of view

Jasmine and Mindy pulled me aside to tell me about the jock who'd caught my eye earlier. I was curious and let myself be pulled aside. To learn that he was the son of a sports equipment sales empire and that she was trying to convince me to become his girlfriend. Then, I had the relief of their arguments, when Selya was in the corner. Looking at us curiously.

Selya: What are you girls doing here?

Alexia: Nothing. Mindy and Jasmine were telling me about the boy who spoke to me.

Selya: What, Prince Charming?

At least I didn't feel I was alone in not being charmed by a rich, handsome boy.

Jasmine: Show a little respect! He's Harrington Rosewood, heir to Rosewood Sporting Goods.

Selya: Oh...well, cool. And?

Mindy: And? He's handsome and rich... And he's an excellent duellist. He's the perfect boyfriend! Alexia can't let an opportunity like this pass her by!

Selya: Why? If she's not interested, I don't see why she should go for him.

Mindy: You're so unromantic!

Jasmine: Coming from you, pumpkin hair, I'm not surprised. You must not have a lot of boys hitting on you. The way you look.

Selya: If you say so.

I couldn't help smiling. Indeed, I had to admit, the young woman was beautiful. Apart from her figure, it was above all her deep blue eyes and her hair that made her so attractive. So I wouldn't be surprised if she'd had her fair share of flirtations, just like me. Then we noticed Syrus fidgeting, looking panicked. I wondered why.

Syrus: Selya! You've got to come! Jaden's in trouble!

She lost her inquisitive look, and took on a shocked expression.

Selya: What's he done now? Could this have anything to do with the ball incident?

Syrus: Yes, it's unfair! Dr. Crowler let the tennis captain punish Jaden...

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