Chapter 32: Knights vs. Amazons ( part 1)

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Here's the long-awaited sequel to the famous duel with a certain Amazon warrior. Feel free to vote if you like it or comment.

Selya's point of view

I found myself lying in a richly decorated bed, but the whole room seemed austere. The stone walls were lit by torches, while I saw sumptuous furniture dating back to Ancient Egypt. Tables, chairs, even board games and jewelry...I recognized them from Father's books. Where did I end up?

Voice: You're awake at last, Selya!

That sounded like me, but much deeper. I stood up and watched the woman enter. She was the spitting image of me, except for her eyelashes, a reference to Egyptian fashion. Her white outfit featured a necklace adorned with blue and green jewels and a circular yellow amulet. On her forehead, a tiara with a shiny blue stone set her hair back. Her skin was as matte as mine, although her feus' hair was carefully coiffed, braided in the manner of ancient Egyptian women. She really had the look of a queen or an important personality, judging by her posture and clothes.

Me: To whom am I speaking?

Why did his voice sound so familiar? Where did I hear it?

Woman: You can call me Solra.

That would mean it wasn't her real name. Or maybe she had more than one. For now, I'd settle for that.

Me: Where am I?

Solra: You're in my house, in a way.

Me: seem to be a big fan of Ancient Egypt.

Solra: Oh yes...I am.

Then she looked at me seriously.

Solra: You still need to rest. You're not fully recovered.

Me: Recovered from what?

Solra: From merging with your inner fire. Doing it too soon can destroy your body and soul. Fortunately, I'm watching you to prevent that.

My inner fire... Wait, I remembered where I heard his voice!

Me: It was you talking to me in my dreams!

She was astonished, at first, at my deduction, before laughing.

Solra: Indeed. Now, can you continue your rest? It's almost over, but you still need time to heal the wounds in your soul caused by the flames.

Me: What are you...

Suddenly my breath caught, as if I'd been punched in the face, and I struggled to stand. I was going to reply, but I felt tired. And soon I was back in the dark.

Cécilia's point of view

My sister still hadn't woken up, and that was starting to worry me. To make matters worse, a Shadow Rider had appeared and enslaved Crowler and other boy students to build an arena. And to top it all off, Bastien had lost his duel. That left me, Selya, Jaden, Alexia and Chazz to defend the keys. Although I was afraid of facing a duel of the Darkness, it was my duty to fight. I couldn't let the others, including my sister, risk their lives and do nothing. A knight doesn't stay behind, but fights danger, with courage! I stared one last time at my big sister asleep in the infirmary, promising to come back before going out to get ready.


With my dueling disc on my right arm and my deck pouch on my left, I made my way to the arena, which resembled a small amphitheatre. I entered one of the doors, plucked up my courage and entered the arena. And what I saw enraged me. That woman...she dared to take on her appearance, even making her look ridiculous with that body-built look!

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