Chapter 28: Illusions' Gate

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Hi there, here's the duel between Camula and Zane, with a terrible outcome for our prodigy. Don't hesitate to vote if you liked it or to comment. To thank you for following me, I'll be posting the next chapter soon, which will be full of surprises!

Selya's point of view

Crowler's defeat reminded me of the cruelty of Shadow duels and the cruel price of defeat. Mother had always warned me of this. But seeing him in the flesh was terrifying. And just seeing the smiling face of that cheater filled me with rage. I clenched my fists as I felt my flame invade my heart. The destructive flame I so dreaded.

Na'vi warrior: Calm down, Selya

Me: How could I? That bitch cheated, spying on our game to ensure her victory. I swear, if I catch her, I'll make her pay for her arrogance!

Warrior Na'vi: Anger is not a good advisor, and you know it. You risk committing an imprudence, by letting your emotions get the better of you.

Me: You're right.

So, sitting on the chair at my desk, I breathed in to gradually regain my composure. Suddenly, there was a knock at my door. I got up and opened my door, to see my sister staring at me with clear concern

Cécilia: Are you all right? I noticed you seemed a bit out of it today.

I remained silent, trying to think of an answer to give my sister. However, just as I was about to speak, the swarm of bats in the sky was the signal for the vampire's invitation to her domain.

Me: Cecilia, you're staying away from this castle.

Determined Cecilia: Out of the question! I'm one of the duelists chosen to defend the keys! You can't leave me behind!

Me: Little sister, these aren't just duels. The stakes are much higher.

Cecilia: You think I don't know that? I'm not as naive as you think, Selya.

I sighed at her obstinacy. And so we set off for the terrible Gothic castle overlooking the lake.

Later, then,

When we arrived at our destination, it was to see Zen already present with dueling disk ready, already starting to advance towards the structure. We were soon joined by the others, Chazz carrying poor Doctor Crowler locked inside the cursed doll that had taken his image, while Jaden, still weak from his duel with Voile Obscure, was being carried by Chumley. And would remain so, if we didn't beat that damned vampire. So we followed Zen's brother up gloomy stairs and across a gloomy room, lit by the glow of torches. I ignored Professor Banner's complaints, concentrating on the forthcoming duel. With Zen at the head of the group, we made our way into a sort of large, ruined hall, with two balustrades facing each other, as if defying each other. The vampire soon appeared, standing on one of them and staring down at us from her height. Obviously, Jaden wanted to challenge her, followed by Chazz and Bastien. Cécilia was about to say it too, but I blocked her with my right arm. I knew it was useless, as the vampire had already indicated her target

Camula: I've got nothing to do with kids

Chazz: Huh? Kids?

Me: I'd rather be a kid than an old potty.

She stared at me, anger in her eyes.

Camula: I'll teach you politeness, after...Him.

With that, she pointed at Zen, who accepted the duel. He positioned himself opposite her. She told him of the risks involved in defeat. Keeping his silence, Zen took out his deck and placed it in his duel disk before deploying it, soon followed by the vampire.

The duellist with the hair of fire (volume 1)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن