Chapter 20: Best friends, best rivals (part 3)

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Here's the outcome of the duel between Selya and Jaden. Feel free to comment or vote if you like it.

Alexia's point of view

I got back just in time to see the duel between Jaden and Selya. And I couldn't help but be blown away and amazed by the performance of both. Each was giving it his all. When one took the lead, the other immediately counter-attacked. Rarely, if ever, have I witnessed such an intense and close duel. It almost made me wish it was over. No matter who won, he or she would proudly represent the school. For the moment, Jaden had regained the upper hand, but Selya's turn would come. She could restart the match or, at best, give him victory.

LP Jaden: 800

LP Selya: 300

She hurried to her feet, grunting slightly.

Selya: Don't worry. I'm far from down!

Jaden: I'll put down two cards and end my turn.

Selya closed her eyes and placed her hand on the deck, ready to draw. At that moment, I thought I felt a golden aura coming from her. Where could it have come from? Then she opened her eyes with fire shining intensely in her ocean-blue eyes.

Selya picks: Mine!

She widened her eyes briefly, before staring at Jaden.

Selya: I hope you're ready, Jaden.

Jaden gritting his teeth: Bring it on, Selya! Me and my heroes are ready to welcome him.

She frowned in response, before holding out her arm.

Selya: I activate the third effect of the Hunt. By sacrificing my two tokens, I can now summon the King of Heaven. She whose shadow brings terror to all who dare cross her path.

Me: Oh no..will she summon... And so the tokens disappeared, while Selya chose a card from her deck before placing it on her disc.

Selya: Come, ruler of the heavens! "Dweller of Pandora- Leonoperix! ( ATK: 2900-DEF:2600)

Thus, a huge shadow began to cover the two duelists before the immense winged creature landed on the ground. Dominating them both with its fearsome silhouette, not to mention its claws and head with a pair of four eyes and its distinctive blue crest.

Selya; I then activate "Double Birth", allowing me to add a Na'vi monster from my deck to my hand.

So she returned to her deck and chose the monster that seemed most appropriate.

Selya: I choose my dear warrior friend.

Me: Which means she'll bring in "Pandora". Jaden's monsters won't get any bonuses.

Jaden seemed to have understood this, as he gritted his teeth in anticipation. So he added her to his game, before summoning her to the field.

Selya: Come to me, my dear friend! I summon "Habitante de Pandora- Guerrière Na'vi" to the field ( ATK:1700-DEF: 1200)

She appeared on the ground with her feline agility and stared at Jaden. I thought I read a smile on his face. No...I must have been dreaming

Jaden: Don't worry. I'm ready for him.

Selya: I activate my warrior's effect, allowing me to add "Pandora" from my deck to my hand.

So she picked up her Terrain card and added it to her deck. Oh...I hoped Jaden was prepared for the terrible monster about to appear.

Selya activating her Terrain cradle: We've spent enough time in the world of heroes! I think it's time for a change of universe.

So she put down her Terrain card and closed it, immediately bringing out Jaden's and putting it in the graveyard. The sky-scrapers fell to please space, with this strange planet orbiting a more massive, gaseous one.

Me: I activate Pandora's effect! Thus, I fuse my warrior and my Leonoperix, to bring forth the champion of Eywa and the People!

With that, the warrior dashed forward and linked their braids with the terrible creature, while Selya did her usual blending. The white glow came, before seeing a Na'vi on the terrible creature.

Selya laid down the card: May your shadow and your strength bring me victory! Come, Toruk Makto ( ATK: 2400-DEF:2100)

And so, the cry of the warrior and the beast shook the room. Trenchant seemed incredibly small, compared to the titan who had taken his place on the field. And ready to unleash its power

Selya: Toruk Makto gains 200 attack points for every Pandora Dweller or RDA Force in my Field or Graveyard. I currently have three Pandora Dweller monsters and two RDA Force monsters in the Graveyard, and my Rider is still in the Field.

6 monsters..that's 1200 attack points.

Selya: This brings my monster's power to 3600 attack points. And since I have three "Pandora Dweller" monsters in my graveyard, he can attack three times.

3600...3 times...It was a terribly powerful creature.

Selya: Now Toruk Makto, attack Slashing! And finish this duel!

If he ever touched Tranchant, Jaden would lose the duel.

Jaden: I activate my magic card "Kuriboh Flute" followed by "Emergency Provision". So, I sacrifice my Kuriboh Flute" while summoning my partner, on the Ground.

Thus, the little ball of angelic fur appeared on the ground, in a defensive position, while Jaden's life points rose by 1000 points.

LP Jaden: 1800 ( 800+1000)

This enabled him to take the blow of the terrible monster, bringing him down to 800 points. The blast of the latter's attack on his monster was enough to send him tumbling, before rising again.

LP Jaden: 800 ( 1800-1000)

Selya: Palulukan rider, attack... Winged Kuriboh

She turned her head away from the spectacle. As if she regretted her action, but had no choice. Suddenly, the archer on the Palulukan cocked her bow and fired an arrow that hit the duellist, much to her surprise, albeit with a grimace.

LP Jaden: 600 (800-600)

Jaden: How?

Selya: Remember, Jaden. My rider inflicts as damage, the defenses of the destroyed monster. It was never specified that it was battle damage. So the protection of Winged Kuriboh isn't enough to cover that.

Jaden smiles: But I'm still standing.

Selya: Indeed. That cute fur ball saved you, for this turn. I put down a card and end my turn.

Good. Now it was Jaden's decisive turn. If he was to win, it was now or never. He put a hand to his deck, closing his eyes for a moment, before drawing the card from his deck that would undoubtedly be decisive. He looked at it and smiled

Jaden: I activate Monster Rebirth, bringing Bubbleman back to the Field. Being the only one on the field, I can draw two cards.

So he drew two more cards, keeping his smile, before continuing his turn.

Jaden: I then activate, "Gracious Charity", allowing me to draw three cards and discard two.

So, he drew three and chose two to put in the graveyard.

Jaden: Now, Selya, it's time for me and my heroes to respond! I activate Miraculous Fusion. This means I can remove from the game the material monsters used to fuse an "Elemental Hero" monster. Thus, I exclude Sparkman and "King of the Swamps" as "Flame Wingman".

And so, the Swamp King and Sparkman appeared in a vortex, to be sucked to her.

Jaden: Come bring your blessed light! Sparkman Birdman ( ATK: 2500-DEF: 2100)

Then, a brilliant green flash emerged, revealing a magnificent gray monster. His wings looked angelic and his skin was green.

Jaden: Shining Wingman gains 300 attack points for each elemental hero monster in my graveyard. I currently have 7 monsters.

Selya gritting her teeth: That's 2100 points.

Jaden smiling: That's right, my friend.

Shining Wingman: 4600 ( 2500+2100)

Alexia: Which makes him strong enough to defeat the Toruk Makto

Jaden: Go for it, Transcendent Wing! Attack Toruk Makto!

And so the monster took off. It took to the skies to face Selya's monster.

Selya: Don't think it'll be that easy, Jaden! I'll fight you all the way! I'm activating my "Sad Transmission" trap card!

The Na'vi archer appeared on the map, holding a bow and looking tearful beside the corpse of another. A relative, no doubt.

Selya: This card can only be activated if a "Dweller of Pandora" is attacked. By discarding Inheritance from my deck, I can double its attack points until the end of this turn.

So she put the magic card in the graveyard and her monster's attack doubled, reversing the balance.

Toruk Makto: 7200 ( 3600*2)

Me: 7200?!

The only time I've ever seen a monster with such power was with Zen and Syrus, when they used Power Link. Victory seemed to be his.

Jaden: I haven't said my last word, Selya! From my hand, I activate my last card, "Combat Fusion!" This adds your monster's attack points to mine! Sorry, Selya, but I win this game!

Shining Wingman: 11800 ( 4600+7200)

My eyes widened, never having seen such power before. The hero struck the Toruk Makto and a burst of light blinded the field for several moments. When all became visible again, it was to see Selya with her head bowed before dropping to one knee as her hit points dropped to 0.

LP Selya: 0 ( 300-4600)

Jaden: Gotcha! What a match, Selya! You almost had me!

She simply smiled, before standing up.

Selya: Well, congratulations Jaden. You're now a representative of the Academy.

He soon broke into applause for the fantastic show he'd just put on. I was delighted to join in, having rarely seen such an intense and fantastic duel. Soon, Jaden was joined by Syrus and Chumley, while I joined Selya.

Me: How are you?

Smiling Selya: Yes. I can't believe I was so close! But it's always like that with him. Every time you think you've got him, he finds a way to turn the tables.

Me: You know best, don't you?

Selya: Yes. If not, Jaden?

Jaden smiles: Yes.
Selya serious: There's something we should discuss...
Jaden worried: What?

Oh...I didn't like that intense look.

Selya holding out her finger: A hug for winged Kuriboh!

Jaden: Wait! What?!

Jaden shocked: Selya...He's my partner!

Selya: But he's so sweet. With his little wings.

Jaden: Selya...

Selya: I want him!

Jaden began to run away, his friend chasing after him to try and catch up.

Selya: Come back here! You promised me!

Jaden: I didn't say I'd agree!

Selya: Don't be so selfish!

Jaden: Your stuffed toy isn't enough!

I couldn't help smiling, amused. We were really lucky this year.

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