Hershey's Reviews [CLOSED]

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Hershey_297's Reviews:

NOT Accepting forms!

Experience: I have beta-read books for many people, giving feedback on them! I am also used to analyzing things in-depth (such as poetry).

Genres I prefer: Fantasy, historical fiction (If you need someone with historical knowledge, I might be of help : ), and romance specifically. I will also take any other genre not listed below.

Genres I will not take: Fanfiction and horror. Add any things I should know, for example... Mature scenes, LGBTQ, and other stuff. I will take most of them, but I need to know beforehand!

Payments: A permanent follow on my account @hershey_297 before submitting your form! 

– Two genuine comments on the first chapter of my book "Fall of Alta" before submitting your form!

My reviews will consist of individual chapter comments and one overall section. I will do around 5-10 chapters based on the length of each one!

In the form, it would be preferable if you tell me what type of feedback you would like! This is just so I can get a reference of what type of advice you need.

If there are any extra details you don't want to share in the form, you can DM me at @hershey_297!



Name to use in review: 

Title of book: 



Type of criticism (Sugar-coated/ lightly sugar-coated /blunt): 

Chapters to focus on (optional): 

Key elements to focus on (optional): 

Private or public review?: 

Tags (3+):

Tag the reviewer here Hershey_297

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