Chicken's Review #8

54 3 0

This review was done by craftychicken. This review is for Crooks: Betrayed By Blood by That_One_Thespian

Title 5/5: A really fitting title

Cover 2/5: I personally don't like this cover

Blurb 5/5: I really like your blurb

First chapter 7/10: The first chapter is ok but there is one small problem

Characters 13/15: I like the characters, however, I have one small issue with one of them

Plot 20/20: I was completely gripped the whole way through

Grammar/Vocabulary 20/20 Not a single mistake at all

Writing 10/10: I very rarely give 10s for writing, but your writing is incredible

Personal enjoyment 9/10: I really liked this story. Only a couple of things stopped me from giving it a 10.

Total 91/100

Review Ok, this is going to be a pretty short review as I don't have much to comment on.

I'll start with the few negatives I have first.

Firstly, I don't like your cover. Personally, I don't like real people on the covers of books, just my personal taste. However, the title and your name are not very easy to read as the colour of the font blends in. I would recommend getting a cover made for you as this story deserves an amazing cover.

Second, the prologue. I think your prologue is dumping a little too much information on the reader. It can be a little off-putting to give the reader so much information about our main character all at once. Also, I didn't find much of the information necessary for the story.

Lastly, I was slightly confused by Michelle's actions. I understand that she killed Catherine as she was having an affair with her husband and she killed her husband out of anger. But I don't understand why she framed her ten-year-old daughter. If you could explain this a little better, this story would be incredible.

Now for the positives.

I love your writing. I am rather picky with writing styles but yours is amazing. It's fast-paced, yet not too fast that we can't follow the plot. It's binge-able and so easy to read. You have a real talent for writing.

Your blurb is intriguing and really makes you want to read the story. It's really rare that I find a blurb that I actually enjoy as a good blurb is very hard to find.

Overall, your story is almost perfect, there's just a couple of things that I think could get it to perfection.

I sometimes like to give a book recommendation when I don't have much feedback. Usually, I recommend a Wattpad book, but your story really reminded me of another book with a similar writing style. It's called Finlay Donovan is killing it by Elle Cosimano. I think you'd really enjoy it.

Thank you so much for asking me to do this review for you. It was a pleasure. Thanks again and I wish you all the best on your writing journey. 

Craftychicken <3

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