Chapter 19

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Manvi's POV

What should I do now?  How to control myself now? What if he can feel my nervousness and how he affects me even if he looks at me?

Please god he shouldn't sit near me atleast.

Then Rahul spoke up " Let's first Arrange the sitting arrangements"

"Okay" we all stood up, I stand beside Bhawna and he then spoke up "umm I think we should first introduce ourselves so that it would be easy for all us and to make the sitting arrangements"

Then his friend spoke up "okay so let me start first, I am Yash"

"Rahul" "Preeti" "Riya"

" and  I am Shrey and your turn " He said looking at me and I immediately look aside.

"I am Uday" "Priya" " Manvi" "Bhawna"

"Vi-" Yash cut him off "Vibhor! We know you very nicely"

Then Rahul said "okay then let's make a pair of girl and Boy, so Yash with Bhawna, Shrey with Manvi, Preeti with Vibhor, Riya with Uday and lastly Me with Priya"

Aaa what? Me with....Shrey? Shrey....with me?

I look at the ground here and there, No no no.

Who is this Rahul to arrange this sitting arrangements? Priya has fallen for an Idiot. A total Jerk.

I look up when Rahul says  "So now as we are 5 pairs, lets make our juniors understand the concept Frist of the Julius Caesar's play perfectly then in next Period we will sit together to discuss the whole project, what say?"

"Sure and Btw nice Pairing" Yash winked at Rahul but he just rolled his eyes.

Bhawna and Yash sat on the first bench, then Behind them Vibhor,Preeti, then Uday,Riya,

Then behind then We will be sitting and behind us Rahul and Priya.

I gulp and get inside and Shrey sits beside me and there is a very long Gap between us and my heartbeat's...just don't ask about them.

I close my eyes Manvi Relax, he is just a Human, He won't do anything to you.

But he is doing so much to you ! - said my inner voice

Shut up, No ! Manvi Relax, I hold my skirt and close my eyes tightly.

Shrey's POV

What is she doing? Why has she closed her eyes?

Is she praying?

I then speak "are you alright?"

She opens her eyes and sigh.

Then she turns her head towards me and slightly smiles with a nod.

"Umm I will just go and bring my notebook" I said to which she nods again.

I quickly go to my bench and take out a notebook and I take the expensive pen of Yash.

I sit back with her and now she has kept her notebook open and is looking up and then at the walls, shaking her pen.

"Should we start?" I said and instantly it began to sound dirty to me.

She nods again.

"Umm do you...aa Do you know me?" I ask looking at her

She bite her lips and then says "Ye-yeah, you" she takes a deep breath "You are Rahul's Friend"


"And" she began to think "And you saved me from the basketball......Thank you for that" She smiled politely

I want to ask if she remembers the day when I helped her crossing the road when she was about to crash, and did Akshat mention my name to her?

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