Chapter 32

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Manvi's POV

(After a week)

It's library period and I am with Ruhi, reading White beauty, I know I will have curiosity to read further so I will issue it.

I look at my side table where Ishvat is sitting. He is a very nice boy and very helpful, I am very comfortable with him.

But....I don't have that kind of feelings the way he have for me, or the way I have for...Shrey.

That night I just couldn't sleep after reading his letter. I was in a turmoil, it was an unexpected confession. I mean I never expected any boy at first place to like me. Then the next thing, He is a very nice but he is just a friend to me. I know he likes me and it might even make him happy if I say yes but it will hurt him if he will get to know that...That I like Shrey.

He will get hurt if he will get to know...That I am falling for Shrey.

So on Monday it was a bit awkward for both of us but I told him politely that we can be very good friends as I never thought of him in that way.

And though he was a bit disappointed but he understood, He asked me for a break of some days and after few days we were back to normal, not fully, Though I could see he was trying and we never took up the topic again.

I didn't felt good in saying No to him because he is very nice but at least he will move forward from me.

Plus he didn't even show any kind of rudeness to me when I said No. He is still very polite and nice to me.

But now there is a kind of scared feeling in me. I am scared for myself. I decided that I will let Shrey to be my Crush only, But what I am realising is that, I am falling for him more and I am scared if he will get to know about it....He might leave me.

I don't know what will be his reaction. I have no idea, I am just scared that if I will fall in love with his cute and heart warming thing's I will never be able to love anyone else. It will be very hard for me.

Also He is not coming and standing in the corridor as well. Only Yash and Rahul stand there. Once Bhawna asked about him and they used to say he is busy.

Strange, Not even once I saw him in this while. I hope he is fine.

Shrey's POV

"Vedita here" I give her Ice cream

She takes it with a big smile.

"Thank you so much"

We eat it silently.

"Shrey say something" She says

I think "What should I say?"

"Anything, Tell about your likes and Dislikes, Family. We are together now Shrey, Only I am the one sharing since we came in relationship!"

"We are not yet in relationship Vedita, we are getting to know each other if we should move further" I cleared it out to her.

"Yeah, I am sorry, You cleared it out already that day" She said while licking her ice cream.


I am in the park with Vedita and she has worn a frock and has taken care of her looks as well.

"Let's come to the point now" She said and took a deep breath "I like you Shrey, I really do from the time when I got to know that you have feelings for me I started noticing you. So when I started talking to you on social media I used to feel happy even though we talked very less but still it was more than that to me"
She said with a smile

I look at her and I don't know what to say. I am unable to understand anything.

I wanted her to be my girlfriend but why I am feeling hesitant now?

"Do you like me Shrey?" She asked with hopeful eyes

"Vedita....I agree that I have a crush on you.."

She suddenly hugged me but I couldn't hug her back.

"I am so happy Shrey, I knew it"

She moves back and then says "Will you be My boyfriend Shrey?"

"Vedita....Let's take it slow, Please. I am not so sure in coming in relationship"

Her smile dropped "what?"

"I mean" I turn around "I know I have a crush on you but not sure if I am you know, ready to come in relationship with you. I"

I don't know what to say, I can't think.

She turns me around "No problem, At least you have crush on me....So let's give it a try"


"Yeah, Let's be in relationship, if it will not work out we will leave"

"No ! This is called casual relationship and I don't believe in that"

"But it will help you to know that I am the right choice for you plus do you have feelings for anyone else other than me?" She ask and I look at the ground.

Manvi's Face flashed in my mind.

"No, Right ! So it's not wrong"

She holds my hand "let's give us a try Shrey"

She looks at me hopefully.

Why do I Feel What I am going to say is wrong.

"Please Shrey !"

I take a deep breath "Okay, But We won't call it relationship. We will be together and try to know if we really have something for each other, will it work out in future only then...Only then we will be in relationship"

She grins and Hug me again.

(Flashback Ends)

"I have to leave Vedita, my friends are waiting for me" I said getting up

"But Shrey just now you came"

"Yeah, but I left them without saying anything so"

"They are not kids Shrey, they know about us so they will understand that now you are with me so you will spend less time with them"

I give her my ice cream "Tomorrow we will spend a lot of time together but now I have to be with them"

She smiles "okay. Bye"

I go to my friends and they wiggle their brows at me and I just roll my eyes.

"How was it? Did you guys kiss?" Yash asked

"Why would we kiss?" I ask

"Why wouldn't you?"

"We are just getting to know if we have anything for each other and it will take time"

"Why are you looking so annoyed?" Rahul asked


"Aren't you happy?" He asked

"I am Happy! This what I wanted right?" I told them...Or I asked Myself.


I am sorry for making this happen but it was required 🥹

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