Chapter 7

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"I cannot believe this!"

Did he think she was a child or something? Had to watch her like a hawk in case the big, bad boogeyman came to swoop her away? There was no one even outside doing anything. No gang bangers, no drug dealers, no suspicious-looking anyone.

The Ville neighborhood had a bad rap nowadays, but there was still good to it. Tandy Park also housed a little Community Center with a gymnasium, a workout area, a pool, and recreational space for kids and teens to hang out and do something besides hanging on the street. The school was still in and it was midday, those teens were no one around.

She waved at him, annoyed but still wanted to see what he was thinking. He only nodded his head at her, not caring that she saw him there. She waved again, this time motioning for him to come over. Since he was here, he might as well hang with her not sit in his truck like a creeper.

At first, it did not seem as if he wanted to come over. After a minute, he made his way out of his truck and strolled over to her.

He stood there for a moment, looking at her but not saying anything before he spit out, "What?"

"Why did you follow me here?"

"Because you're hard-headed and wouldn't listen."

"Yeah, oooo, I'm in so much danger! Look around at all the monsters trying to come after me."

"Yeah, keep saying that."

Why did he have to be so hot?

It was kind of cute he was all concerned. They barely knew each other, but she liked this about him. Like an overprotective big brother, which she did not need, she already had an overprotective big sister.

"It's not like it's middle of the night, dark outside, drive-bys going on. Get a grip. I will not stay scared to exit my house. You're not there to be my bodyguard, just help around the house. Get over it."

She pushed herself on the swing to tell him she was done talking to him.

He moved over and sat in the swing beside her. She thought he would break the whole thing down, he was so tall.

"Heey! You're too big!"

"No I'm not lil girl, I've been swinging on these all my life and I have been this tall for a long time."

She giggled at him and kept swinging. It must look like a giant and a dwarf on the swing together.

"I thought you had work to do?"

"Yeah'll wait."

Now this was something unexpected.

They swung back in forth on the swings, side by side for a moment saying nothing. At least now she was getting comfortable talking to him and not losing her voice or stuttering like an idiot. She had to live with the guy, might as well try and be cordial to him.

"So like it here so far?" Damn, maybe that came out too lame, but he was here and now she wanted to get to know him.

"I love that house. Big, nice house, my room is dope. Have the basement set up like I want to. Pretty dope roommates as well."

He looked at her and gave her a grin. She smiled back at him. That man really had a smile that made you want to hug him, but she resisted.

"It's nice to see you smiling anyway. You're always so serious and quiet. Maybe getting out and getting some sun does you good."

He had to know it was because he made her that way. Maybe he was oblivious to her crush on him, or did not care that she liked to stare whenever she could. Not that she would do anything about it. He was forbidden fruit. She could not have a taste even if she wanted to.

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