Chapter 24

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The alarm stopped blaring, but she was not going to move at all.

The house was silent, or at least she could not hear much in between her shivers and her tears. Many thoughts ran through her head. One, she should have listened to Tristan. He was right. He was only trying to protect her.

This was her fault.

She heard footsteps up the stairs.

"Johanna! Johanna!"

She could not make out who was calling her.

"Johanna, where are you?"

It was Tristan. She stood up from the floor, opened her closest door, and rushed to her bedroom door to unlock it. Tristan stood there with a gun in his hands and rage all over his face.

Once he saw her, his face softened a bit.

"You okay? Did he..."

She shook her head then grabbed him in a hug, wrapping her arms around him. Feeling safe for once.

"I got you." He held her in his arms and squeezed her. "I got you."

"I'm sorry, it was my fault. I shouldn't have-"

"No, this is not on you." He stepped into her room and then put the gun on her dresser. She never even knew he owned a gun, but she was glad he was ready for whatever.

She could not stop shaking. Tristan held her in
his arms rubbed her back and made her feel safe again.

"I don't know what I would have done if something happened to you, Jo. I...I watched that guy on camera try to get in here and...hurt you. What kind of man am I if can't protect you? My girl."

"Your girl?" She looked up at him.

"Yes," he said, brushing her tears away with his thumb. "Jo, I want you too and I can't fight it anymore."

He leaned down to kiss her, like that first kiss, and she felt all the same butterflies. He kissed her like he was hungry for her as if she was for him.

"You still want me?"

"Yes!" Now she forgot all the other feelings she went through today. All she felt was happiness being in Tristan's arms. "You mean, you want me to be your girlfriend? Even though you don't do the girlfriend thing?"

He grinned at her, his hand caressing her cheek. "I don't like the idea of having a girlfriend, but I know you deserve something more. I'm new at this, but I want to give you what you deserve."

She stood on her tiptoes to kiss his luscious lips. "I want to be your girlfriend."

"You're so beautiful, Jo." He planted kisses all over her face. "I've been dying thinking of you every night. Wanting to kiss you again, knowing I could not."

"You can, please, all the kisses."

He took her mouth in his, kissing to the depths of her soul. His tongue languishing with hers, his lips the right amount of pressure to hers, his arms holding her up so she was off her feet. He literally swept her off her feet. If she could help it, she wanted to stand there and kiss him forever.

"Damn Jo, what have you done to me?" Tristan said between kisses.

"Something good?"

"All good, baby." Then he pulled away from her. "We're not supposed to be doing this."

"Why not?"


"What about my sister?"

He planted a couple more kisses on her. "She told me to stay away from you."

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