Chapter 27

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"So what are we going to do today besides sit here and not...cuddle or kiss anymore?"

"I said watch Star-"

"I always just sit in the house. I want to get out and do something now that I have a boyfriend." She kissed him on his cheek, even if he thought their kissing and touching was taking things too far.

Tristan thought about it for a moment. "What are we supposed to boyfriend, girlfriend... besides the thing I really want to do?"

She shrugged. "I've never had a boyfriend."

"I've never had a girlfriend."

She twisted her lips, thinking over this. So weird that he had plenty of girls, but none he called his girlfriend. "Can we go to the movies?"

He checked his Apple watch. "This early in the day? I only go to the movies at night."

"Well, you want to explain to Zee why we're going out to a late-night movie?"

He stood up abruptly. "Come on, let's go."

She smiled, grabbed her phone, and followed him to the door where their keys hung by the door. Before he opened it, he pulled her to him for a kiss.

"Tell me how to be a good boyfriend. I want to be that for you."

"I want to be a good girlfriend for you."

"You already are." He kissed her again.

They left the house and locked it then headed to his truck. She expected Zee to call and ask where she was going with Tristan, but no call as they pulled off. The nearest movie theater to them was the Esquire so that's where they headed.

"You can't eat any of the popcorn here, right? What can you eat?"

"Ummm..." She looked around at the menu. "Just water."

"Water? Girl, you think I'm paying eight dollars for a bottle of water for you when you could have brought that from home."

"So you're a cheap date?" She gave him the look she knew would get him, squint her eyes, or as he called it, squish her nose.

"Girllll!" He let out a laugh. "I got you this time, but don't play that shit again."

Tristan bought a large popcorn extra butter for himself, and a large drink. How he could eat all those empty calories and still have a low percentage of body fat was beyond her belief. They made it to their seats and she smiled thinking about being on her first date with a boy ever. And her first date was with Tristan. They were out in public, hanging out.

On a date.

Tristan leaned over and kissed her on the neck.

"Can we make out a little bit?"

She giggled at him. "Of course."

Lots of kissing and necking, she did not recall much of the movie. It was mid-afternoon, the early show, so there were not many people there.

"Where to now?" she asked him when they left.

"I think it's time for your first driving lesson."

"Oh." She stopped walking. "Zee said she would teach me because she was giving me her car."

"When is she going to do that? Why wait, I'm here and we might as well."

"In your truck?"

"What's wrong with my truck?"

"It's so big!"

He grinned. "Get used to big things, lil bit."

She elbowed him in the side but remembered seeing him earlier that day. Nice size, maybe even big, maybe average. Her mind needed to not go there if he was not ready to have sex with her.

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